staying busy, being relaxed

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April 19, 2021

The real countdown has begun. 10 days til due, but it can be any day now… or it can be in 2+ weeks, baby decides. I hope baby will come before May but so far it doesn’t really seem like it. Baby has definitely run out of room in there though. I thought baby was moving non-stop before, but that was nothing to what I’m experiencing now, holy moly, kicking all day and all night and now it’s really really big movements. Last night I was in bed at 10pm but awake and baby was so active. Then J came to bed at 11, baby still active and at that point it felt like a golf ball was rolling and bouncing off my ribs like if it was a pinball machine. At 11:50pm I was still awake cause baby was still kicking like crazy. That’s when I put a sleep mediation on in my headphones, no idea when baby stopped moving. In a way, I don’t mind it, I kinda like it, it means that the baby is healthy. Even if some of the punches and kicks are a bit uncomfortable these days (my bladder seems to be a fun toy), this is still something I will miss once baby is out. 

This weekend was once again a good mix of being really busy and relaxing. On Saturday we went for some errands. I should be in complete quarantine now, but oh well. We drove to the Scandinavian Butik. They were very serious about safety there. Only 3 people allowed inside, facemasks had to be worn of course and they wanted us to wear plastic gloves the whole time. I had called before we got there so I knew they had what I wanted. Then a quick stop at the grocery store across the street. At home, I washed some of the new baby gifts that has arrived, J installed a baby monitor and we went for a nice longer walk. 

Safety in our elevator. We want to see more stuff like this! 

Yesterday morning around 9am, J and I drove to Mill River Park in downtown (normally I would walk there but these days it’s better to drive). The trees were still kinda blooming but had already started to shift to green, but we still got some cute last minute maternity photos I think. I’ll show you more another time:)

We came home, had breakfast and then decided to go for a walk. We ended up walking behind a girl from our apartment and forward. All of a sudden we see her legs give up and she falls straight forward. Luckily she caught herself with her hands cause that was a pretty bad fall. Once on the ground she started shaking. I grabbed the leash and J ran up to her and rolled her to her side to check that she was breathing. I told J to stay with her, picked Thor up in my arms and ran inside to the pharmacy (we were right outside RiteAid). I somehow figured they had some sort of medical training in order to work there. The guy didn’t really seem to care but called something out in the speakers. I just left and ran back. Two older people were there now, the woman was on the phone getting an ambulance. J got the girl, probably not older than 15, to sit up but had to hold her so she wouldn’t fall back. Thor was freaking out of course, he reacted to her fall as well. The girl was responsive the whole time but didn’t speak. Soon the ambulance and a firetruck came. I think she said a few words to them. One of the guys asked Jim some questions, they put her in the ambulance and we went for our walk. She seemed to be ok.
If I had been alone and this would have happened, 9 months pregnant and all, I would have of course gone to check on her but then tried to get other peoples attention to help. Also, here in America it is apparently really insanely expensive to call for an ambulance which makes me question myself in emergency situations. I don’t actually know how it is in Sweden, but in my mind, you always call for help and an ambulance will come. But here, you kinda have to be careful cause it can end up being really expensive for the person who needs help. This girl was not at all dying or anything, my guess is that she had some sort of epileptic seizure and then was in complete shock, but I still think it was a good idea to get her an ambulance, what else could any of us do?
I’m just happy that she seemed ok. I hope I see her walking out here again at some point. 

My heart still hurts every time I look at him, he’s just the cutest♥

Our walk was really nice and warm. On our way back from downtown I was however struggling a bit to walk. I woke up with some discomfort in my groins and with the situation with the girl and me picking Thor up and put him down over and over, I guess my body was a bit tired. We sat on the couch to relax once we came home, the boys fell asleep. Then I was up again and was doing stuff around the apartment for several hours. Guess if my groins was tired after all that haha. Finished our weekend with a movie. 

Here in America you get a free breast pump through your insurance. I appreciate that! They are not cheap. My insurance had 10 dif ones to choose from and after some research I picked this one. I read that in Sweden you have to buy your own or you can rent one from the pharmacy. 

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