On the road again

July 20, 2019

We are back on the road. This time we are driving south to Philadelphia. We have a hotel booked, tickets for JLo tonight and then we are driving back tomorrow. We have already explored all the tourist stuff here last time we were in Philly (check out the posts HERE) so we’re not sure what we gonna do today. We’ll see. Its gonna be a fun weekend either way.
Hope you’ll have an awesome weekend!

Improvisation in Philadelphia

Om ni kommer ihag, sa var vi i Philadelphia under en helg for turism och sport i varas. Jag tyckte det var roligt att improvisera lite pa olika stallen. Ovan ar en video fran en sot liten gata vi hittade. Nej, det ar ingen musik i videon, for jag behover inte musik for att dansa, jag hor min egen musik inom mig (flummigt men sant) 🙂

If you remember, we were in Philadelphia for a weekend for tourism and sport this spring. I thought it was fun to improvise a little at different places. Above is a video from a sweet little street we found. No, there is no music in the video, cause I don’t need music to dance, I hear my own music inside (weird but true) 🙂

Philadelphia Day 2

Sondagen borjade jag med att vila huvudet mot min mans brostkorg nar han sov. Min utsikt genom fonstret var Benjamin Franklin Bridge. Vaknade verkligen med varldens lyckorus i kroppen. Det gor jag ofta, men det var speciellt i sondags. Sa lycklig over allt som livet har att erbjuda. 
Nar vi hade vaknat till ordentligt gick vi ner och at frukost. Vilken fantastisk frukost buffe! Jag at hur mycket som helst (Jim vet att jag alskar hotell frukost och hade bestallt det nar han bokade hotellet). Bast var bacon och min grot som jag toppade med hur mycket torkad frukt och notter som helst. 
Nar vi checkat ut gick vi ut pa en lang promenad. Genom hela stan. Det var narmare 30C ute (!!) och helt underbart! Vi sag massor av hemlosa manniskor, City Hall, den kanda Love skulpturen och flaggor fran varje land langs vagen. Efter lite mer an en timme kom vi fram till den valkanda trappan fran filmen Rocky. Dar hade de nagon familjedag av nagot slag, sa det var massor med folk. Sen tog vi taxi till Baseball stadion som ligger i samma omrade som hockey stadion. 

Sunday started with that I was resting my head on my husbands chest when he was sleeping. My view through the window was Benjamin Franklin Bridge. Really woke up with wonderful happiness. I do that a lot, but it felt special on Sunday. So happy about what life has to offer. 
When we were awake for real, we went down and had breakfast. What a fantastic buffet! I ate so much (Jim knows that I love hotel breakfast and ordered that when he booked the hotel). Best was the bacon and my oatmeal that I topped with a lot of dried fruit and nuts. 
When we had checked out, we went for a long walk. Through the whole city. It was closer to 86F outside (!!) and so wonderful! We saw a lot of homeless people, City Hall, the famous Love sculpture and flags from every country along the way. After little over an hour we came to the known stairs from the movie Rocky. It was some sort of family day there, so it was a lot of people. Then we took a taxi to the Baseball stadium located in the same areas as the hockey stadium. 


IMG_9014_2IMG_9020_2IMG_9027_2IMG_9031_2IMG_9039_2“Government of the people
Symbolizing family life”
IMG_9035_2IMG_9049_2IMG_9052_2IMG_9058_2IMG_9060_2IMG_9069_2IMG_9075_2 IMG_9077_2 Formodligen den fulaste staty jag nagonsin har sett! 
Probably the ugliest statue I’ve ever seen!
IMG_9081_2En av de vackraste kyrkor jag sett
One of the most beautiful churches I’ve seen


Hockey in Philly

I lordags kvall var vi som sagt pa hockey. Jim’s gamla college var i final och han hade fatt tag i gratis biljetter, sa det var darfor vi akte till Philadelphia. 
Pa kvallen akte vi till omradet dar stadion lag. Vi motte upp J’s college kompis som ocksa var dar med sin familj. En country bar med dancers, a mechanical bull och Minnesota fans. 
Jim motte upp mannen med biljetterna (som tydligen hade tre soner i laget!) och det visade sig att vi hade en privat svit. Fantasiskt god mat och bra platser. Det var bara jag, Jim och en man med hans tva yngre dottrar i sviten, sa det blev valdigt privat och lyxigt. Var svit blev sen plotsligt full med Union fans som snodde var mat. De hade sviten bredvid oss men hade bara mat som typ hotdogs och liknande, och de gillade var finare mat med musslor och couscous hahha:) De var trevliga och jag hade en kul kvall. Minnesota Gophers forlorade tyvarr, men vi hade en bra kvall. Det var min forsta live hockey match och ja, det ar annorlunda att se en match live an pa tv. 

On Saturday we went to, like mentioned before, a hockey game. Jim’s old college was in the finals and he had got some free tickets, that’s why we went to Philadelphia. 
In the evening we went to the area where the stadium was. We met up with J’s college friend that was also there with his family. A country bar with dancer, a mechanical bull and Minnesota fans. 
Jim met up with the man with the tickets (who apparently had three sons in the team!) and it turned out that we had a private suite. Fantastic food and good seats. It was just me, Jim and a man with his two younger daughters in the suite, so it turned out to be even more private and luxurious. Then, our suite suddenly got filled with Union fans that stole our food. They had the suite next to us and only had food like hotdogs and stuff, and they liked our nicer food with mussels and couscous hahha:) They were nice and I had a fun night. Unfortunately, Minnesota Gophers lost, but we had a great night. It was my first live hockey game and yes, it is different to see a game live than on tv. 

IMG_8874_2IMG_8880_2Equus svit, tyckte det var roligt:)
Equus suite, thought it was funny:) 

IMG_8895_2IMG_8897_2IMG_8902_2IMG_8924_2IMG_8981_2Plotsligt sprang deras Gopher in i var svit:)
Suddenly their Gopher ran in to our suite:)
