July 15, 2019

Hi! Hope you had an amazing weekend! We did:) Went for pizza in Rowayton, threw oil paint away (they only have two dates per year for that), been on walks, went to the beach, finished watching the tv-show Dark and watched the sunsets. Pretty relaxed and perfect. Hot and sunny as well which I love. It’s gonna be even hotter this week:) 

Ok, so now over to the second post of our ROADTRIP. If you watched my latest youtube video, then you already know what we did, but I want to write and show you pictures of it too:)

The morning of 4th of July we had breakfast at the hotel in Lewiston, NY, went for a walk along the water (and looked at Canada) and then drove to the airport in Buffalo, NY to pick J’s dad up (Anna didn’t make it). We drove to Niagara Falls on the American side. Such a shitshow (prob because of 4th of July), but I’m glad I got to see it from that side. And then we of course had some Buffalo Wild Wings in Buffalo before we started our journey into Canada.

Morning in Lewiston. We really liked that cityNiagara Falls seen from the American sideBad picture I know, but I thought it was cool
to see my first groundhog just hanging out by the falls:)

Bridge to Canada. Loooong line of cars hihi, I thought this was a funny sign with a man wearing a hat

We stayed at an airbnb in a town called St Catherines in Ontario in Canada. The place was close enough for us to walk to the Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. So. Much. People. Not sure if there’s always that many people or if it was because of the holiday. But, we got to see it. They are very powerful waterfalls. It’s kinda overwhelming in a way. Jim and I decided to go and experience the falls up close. They told us it would be a 1-1.5 hour line to get there but we somehow ended up in a earlier line and got in somewhat quickly.
Those falls are strong, wet and loud! We walked out on a deck next to the falls and then also behind (which was kinda whatever, you just see some loud water), but the decks was fun. 22 canadian dollars per person, not bad.

Niagara Falls seen from the Canadian side…
..looking at where I took the picture from the American side

After all that we needed to sit down for a little bit. We walked away from the falls a bit and to our surprise we ended up on a street with haunted houses, Guinness World Records, rides, wax museums, games…you name it, pretty crazy. You could stay a few days there only for that.
After a cold beer at a brewery we walked to what the bartender had recommended for poutine which is a must to eat in Canada apparently. The boys loved it, I thought it was just another kind of greasy fries. And then we walked down to the falls again.

We found a perfect spot among all those people. Apparently they have fireworks at 10 pm every night during summer and now when it was 4th of July they made the falls red white and blue for America. They were ok fireworks. The coolest thing I thought of was that everyone was pretty quiet. Normally when there’s fireworks you hear at least kids cheering or something, but not there, everyone just stood there watching in silence. And then we walked back to our airbnb.
Happy to cross off Niagara Falls from my list and to add another country on places I’ve visited:)


July 10, 2019

Hi! I know it’s been a little quiet here since our road trip. Jim’s dad and his wife left Monday morning, I have taken care of the neighbors cats, I’ve been editing a video for you guys and right now I’m just waiting for the exterminator to come and kill the roach I found on the terrace (yuck!). But here is the first post of 3:

We had an amazing trip last week. Jim and I dropped Thor off at his new sitters house at 9 am on July 3 and then we were off. The only place we could find with coffee before the highway was Cozy which has pretty terrible coffee but that’s ok. Then we had almost 7 hours of driving ahead of us. Everything went pretty smooth all the way up to Lewiston, NY. We stayed at a cute hotel by a lake with the view of Canada. 
We quickly freshened up and then walked to the little cute town for some food at a brewery and then we were off for the concert. Ra Ra Riot, Jimmy Eat World and Third Eye Blind, Jim’s dream concert hahah. He was very excited and we had so much fun. Jim caught Stephen Jenkins guitar pick so he was in heaven:)

there were like 25+ hawks flying over the concert site

Stay tuned for second and third posts and a video from our trip!