Grand Cayman SNAPSHOTS

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All of a sudden it’s freezing in New York. During the day it’s “ok” but in the mornings it is brutal. Yesterday morning we had -12°c!! So, of course I’m thinking back on our vacation to Grand Cayman. That was definitely the highlight of 2015. We had such an amazing time there. Good thing we have pictures and memories to take us back from time to time so that we can forget how cold it is outside here 🙂

Plotsligt blev det super kallt i New York. Under dagtid ar det “ok” men pa morgonen ar det brutalt. Igar morse hade vi -12°c!! Sa, sjalvklart tanker jag tillbaka pa var semester till Grand Cayman. Det var verkligen hojdpunkten 2015. Vi hade en sa underbar tid dar. Skont att vi har bilder och minnen som kan ta oss tillbaka lite da och da sa att vi kan glomma bort hur kallt der ar har ute 🙂

Beach mornings


On a cold morning in New York City like today I wish that I could turn back time three weeks. On our vacation on Grand Cayman, I woke up around 6am every morning or maybe even earlier. I love to enjoy the hours of sunlight, especially on vacation, so I went down to the beach every morning to enjoy the early hours before others did. Jim always went for a morning swim in the ocean, others were walking up and down the 7 mile beach, some did yoga and I brought my coffee and sat down on the sand.
The hotel we stayed at have morning yoga twice a week. I could only join one of the days but it was very nice. Ocean view, sound of the waves and focus on your own body and breathing. I wish I could have that alternative every day. Bliss Yoga, who organized the class at the hotel, was located just across the street from our hotel. I looked at the schedule and thought about going there, but since there was one class I could take at the hotel, I decided that it was enough. I preferred to actually enjoy vacation too. Yoga is nice, it wakes you up, but meditation or morning coffee on the beach was what I needed that week. 

En kall morgon i New York City som idag, onskar jag att jag kunde vrida tillbaka tiden tre veckor. Pa var semester till Grand Cayman vaknade jag runt 6am varje morgon eller t.o.m annu tidigare. Jag alskar att njuta av timmarna med solljus, speciellt pa semester, sa jag gick ner till stranden varje morgon for att njuta av de tidiga timmarna innan andra gjorde det. Jim tog alltid en morgon simmning i havet, andra gick promenader upp och ner langs 7 mile beach, nagra gjorde yoga och jag tog med mig kaffe och satt pa sanden.
Hotellet som vi bodde pa har morgon yoga tva ganger i veckan. Jag kunde bara medverka en av dagarna men det var valdigt harligt. Havs vy, ljudet fran vagorna och fokus pa ens egna kropp och andning. Jag onskar att jag hade det alternativet varje dag. Bliss Yoga, som organiserade klassen pa hotellet, lag precis pa andra sidan gatan fran hotellet. Jag kollade pa schemat och funderade pa att ga dit, men eftersom de hade en klass som jag kunde ta pa hotellet bestamde jag att det rackte. Jag foredrog att faktiskt njuta av semester ocksa. Yoga ar harligt, det vacker dig, men meditation eller morgon kaffe pa stranden var vad jag behovde den veckan. 

Stingray City & Rum Point, part two

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Our second stop on our day trip was Rum Point. I don’t really know what you are supposed to expect from the visit there, but I can’t say that I was very impressed. Some people told us that there are beautiful reefs and fish if you swim farther out, but the waves where kinda strong, I even tripped and hurt myself on the rocks trying to go out there, so we decided to just swim and snorkel around the Rum Point area. 
It was raining part of the time and everybody squeezed in to that small bar/restaurant. That was a perfect opportunity to try their Mudslide drink that they seem proud of. It was a cute place and nice to see a different part of the Island. 
The Stingray City & Rum Point package was definitely worth it though. A whole day on a boat and two stops, including getting seven years of good luck, not bad 🙂

Stingray City & Rum Point, part one

The coolest thing we did on our vacation to Grand Cayman was to visit Stingray City. They have packages you can buy and we had been recommended before we went to get the Stingray City and Rum Point package. 
They say “Kiss a stingray and it will bring you 7 years of good luck”, so that’s what we did 🙂 
These stingrays where so sweet. Soft and not as slimy as I thought they would be. Very friendly and didn’t seem to mind all these people that come out there in the ocean to kiss them. This was definitely one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced.