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My name is Fanny Sura . I’m a Dancer and Choreographer with a Dance Teacher degree who moved to America nine years ago . I grew up in a small town in Sweden in a musical home and my biggest passion in life has always been dance and performing arts . I started to dance when I was 6 years old and shortly after that, I knew what I was going to do when I grew up . I was very determined about what I wanted and did everything to achieve my goals . A dream of mine was to become a dance teacher which came true in 2010 . After I graduated I moved to New York City to get a wider view of dance and art in the world . The plan was to stay for six months, but I fell in love with an amazing man who I married, so I stayed . We moved from Manhattan to Connecticut three years ago and I am excited to see what life brings us now and in the future .

I started my first blog in 2006 . Blogging was still very new and I barely knew what it was . I found this to be a great way to express myself and share thoughts with unknown readers on the internet, but it only lasted for a few months . Right before I got in to the University of Dance and Circus, I started a new blog . This was a perfect escape for me from all the dance and schoolwork and I came to really like it . When I moved to Portugal as an exchange student and when I moved to New York City, my blog was a way for friends and family to follow my life and experiences .
On my 6th birthday I got my first camera and I have loved to document my life in pictures ever since . This doesn’t mean that I learned much more about photography along the way, but I love to share all the interesting things I come across in my daily life .

This is a BLOG about my life as a dancer, an artist, a wife and pommy mommy living in America . This is me .

Contact: fannysura@thisisfanny.com

My World Adventures:

Categories: TRAVEL