Showing all posts in Minneapolis
It’s been a little over a week since our weekend trip to Minneapolis. We’ve had another weekend trip in between, but I thought I would share what we did in MN now. So here’s a long post with lots of pictures for you guys:)
We had to drop Thor off with the sitter before 6 am and then drive directly to LGA. Everything went very smoothly. TSA pre-check is the way to go:) On they flight I watched the documentary of Alexander McQueen. I tried to find ways to watch it a couple of weeks ago, so I was happy to find it on the plane. We arrived at the hotel in Minnesota before lunchtime. We stayed at the W Hotel – The Foshay. Jim’s favorite steak place is in Minneapolis, Manny’s (better than NY places, and he’s been eating at a lot of fancy steak restaurants) and it was located in the bottom of our hotel, so after freshen up we walked over there to see if we could make a reservation for the night. It was fully booked so we decided to have lunch there instead. So. Much. Food! The bacon candy was absolutely awesome! My filet mignon was actually more cooked than I had ordered, but I didn’t mind. If it had been J’s food, we had sent it back. It was delicious though!
In the top of the Foshay building they had a mini museum. There’s also an observation deck, so we got a good view over the city and J could tell me a few things about areas or buildings and point at where he used to live or work etc. After our cold rooftop exploration we went downstairs to the Grayfox Coffee and got lattes that we brought over to the hotel lounge area. They had a fireplace there which was needed when feeling so cold.
The most exciting thing for me that I remember from the last time I was there, was the skyways. Hahahha, I’m easily pleased I guess Since it’s always freezing in Minnesota, the skyways really helps. It’s an indoor pedestrian walk system through the whole city. So there’s indoor bridges between buildings. You can definitely get lost there too as the signs isn’t very clear. I love this idea. So we walked around the city both inside and outside.
Then we walked to Mississippi River. We checked that out the last time as well so I recognized it of course. We ended up in a bar, hung out for a bit to warm ourselves up and then took an uber back to the hotel. We changed (aka I changed into heels and curled my hair, haha) and went to check out the hotel fancy bar on the 27th floor. It was packed and in my opinion not as exciting as I had heard it would be, so we walked across the street and had a few drinks at a whatever bar until we took an uber to North East of Minneapolis to meet with Andy and his new wife.
On Saturday, I got up before 7 to get ready. I didn’t want to stress plus I wanted to get my joints ready for the day with a few movements and stretching of legs and feet. The wedding was at 9:30am. Very cute ceremony and not very long which we appreciate. We were there when Tony and Jaimie got engaged (at Disney World) so we’ve been waiting for this day to happen for them. The brunch was awesome, lots of food to choose from. The wedding was at a bowling and bocce ball place, so after everyone had brunch, it was time to play games or whatever you felt like. I wasn’t really in the mood to play bowling but the other wives of J’s friends did.
After the wedding we went back to the hotel to change out of our fancy clothes and put jeans and sneakers on. When J took a short nap, I walked around to find a coffee place that was open. The only place was starbucks which I’m not a huge fan of, but I like to order peppermint lattes with extra espresso there. J came to meet me. After awhile, we walked over to a bar where we met up with Mike and Shauna. We stayed for a bit and then we drove to Surly’s Brewery. It was packed there. We didn’t get a dinner table, but we could still order drinks in one end of the place. We started to get hungry, so we drove to Betty Danger’s Country Club, a very cool place I think. The food was awesome and huge. Of course we got on the Ferris Wheel that they have there. They gave us blankets and we went for 5 rounds. Very cool to see the city from afar in the dark. I really did get a good look of Minneapolis from all angles and every way possible in this trip:)
With changing the clock, we got an extra hour of sleep in the morning. I was still up before 7. I quickly got ready, grabbed my camera and went out on my own. I had seen a Bob Dylan mural from the car on our way to the brewery the day before, so I wanted to check it out. Nobody outside except all the homeless people at this hour (apparently lots of homeless people in Minnesota, which makes no sense at all). It was also kinda raining outside, so I tried to be quick. I came back to the hotel, grabbed Jim and our stuff and we took an uber to the airport.
A short but sweet trip. We had a lot of fun and it’s nice to get away sometimes.
That was a short trip
We’re back from Minnesota. Felt like we just left and now we are back again. But even if it was short, we still had a great time. Ferris wheel ride, steak lunch, colder temperature, exploring the city, wedding brunch and time spent with friends to sum it up in short:)
We came back home around 3pm, picked Thor up at the sitters, bought coffee and now its football on tv time.
I hope you had an awesome weekend!
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Har haft en kort helg i Minnesota. Lyx blandat med amerikanska college storys:) Här kommer en rätt lång update för min familj och släkt:
Direkt efter Flash Mob’en (som var succé btw), gick jag ut på 14st och ropa till mig en taxi och åkte till LaGuardia flygplats.
Landade på St Pauls flygplats. Fixade oss en rental car och körde in till Minneapolis city. Stora staden med hela 5-6 skyskrapor:) Det var en gullig liten stad.
Kom till hotellet och möttes av ett stort och lyxigt rum. In i duschen och snabbt göra sig i ordning för private party utanför stan. Mingel med kostymfolk och vi var betydligt mycket yngre än alla andra där. Elizabeth Cook, country singer, var inbjuden till festen och hade en konsert för oss. Lite mer mingel efteråt och sen tillbaka till city.
Där gick alla, ja Alla, runt i babyblå tröjor och tomteluvor. “20 party” night eller nåt. Man skulle kryssa av på armen alla 20 barer man kunde gå till den kvällen, eller nåt. Vi var alldeles för uppdressade för att va där, hahha. Hann väl med 5 barer, träffade massor med folk och hade väldigt trevligt.
Lördagen började segt, käkade fantastisk mat, sen turistade vi runt lite. Åkte bl.a till American Swedish Institute en kortis. Ettt museum som bl.a visade hur svenska rum kan se ut, tex under juletid. Sen fick jag även se Mississippi River vilket känns som att det var ett måste. Åkte runt bland Campus för University of Minnesota. Gick i stan där vi råkade hamna mitt i en Christmas Pradade. Och nåt av det coolaste var kanske att alla byggnaderna var ihopkopplade med inglasade brorar. Eftersom det är så kallt i Minnesota har de broar som gör att man typ aldrig behöver gå utomhus. Smart idé. Det började snöa på eftermiddagen så det var väldigt bra att kunna gå inne:)
Tog en simtur i bassängen på hotellet en stund. Måste ju få lite träning oxå:) Gjorde oss iordning, åkte och käka mexikanskt och sedan till en bar, The Local. Satt där hela kvällen.
Söndagen innehöll god italiensk mat, promenader i snön och kylan, biltur till flygplatsen och en trip till Mall of America, som är USA’s största köpcentrum. Wow, what a big place!
Flyg hem till underbara New York och stora byggnader igen kändes faktiskt skönt. En kort vacation i Minnesota var super trevligt, men kallt:) Bra helg!
Har inte mycket bilder, inte alls från själva stan för det var sååå kallt hehhe, men här är ett urplock från vår helg:
