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December 17, 2020

21 weeks today. The baby is 19 weeks old and we have 19 weeks (-ish) left to go for this pregnancy. My doctor told me yesterday that it will go very fast from now on. I feel like I have been pregnant for a year already but also like this journey just started haha. From week 5 and forward I was so bloated every day (just like the last pregnancy) and I looked like I was several months pregnant already then, so when the belly changed from a bloated one to a an actual pregnant one, it didn’t change in size hahah. It wasn’t until like two weeks ago that I started to actually see any difference since beginning of September. 

How do I feel now? Let me tell you, mood swings are on a high (poor husband). I also go from laughing to bawling within minutes. It is very strange (and this pandemic isn’t exactly helping emotions either). 
Do I have any cravings? I have had a massive sweet tooth (fruit, candy, cookies, you name it) since the start of this pregnancy, and if I could I would have pasta with every meal. Still not much for salty stuff, but spicy is nice, like the spicy peppers we get, yum. Of course I have to be careful with the sweet stuff and I try to eat healthy as much as I can. And I try to stay active. Not working out as much as I’d like to cause I come up with all these other things to do during the day and at night my body is too tired, but overall I still move around a lot which my body loves and it keeps my energy up during the day.
Bumpie is definitely growing fast now. I keep going up and down in weight though, but I don’t care so much about a pound here and there, as long as my body feels good and baby’s measures are ok then everything is fine.
Still congested but as long as the humidifier is on throughout the night it’s usually fine. My skin is really itchy and has been during the whole trimester. Coconut oil and this mama butter lotion I have is definitely helping, I apply at least twice a day especially on the belly, lower back and chest. I also drink tons of water every day which my skin seems to love.
Overall I feel great. Starting to get a little stressed about all the things that needs to be done before lilliput comes but mostly feel I calm and I still sometimes forget that I’m pregnant:)

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