Midsommar away again

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June 26, 2019

As I wrote in last post, we ended up celebrating Midsommar a day late. Thor had a spa appointment at noon on Saturday so after dropping him off we went home and I created a wreath of the daisies we had bought a few days earlier while Jim cut apples in pieces. I fixed my hair a little, changed clothes and made an apple pie.
We packed a picnic bag and drove to Cove Island. We found a spot in the shade. It was a bit cloudy and windy, but it felt Swedish haha. After awhile, we drove back home and not long after we could go pick Thor up at the spa. We had asked for a short haircut but leave a little in the face, but his face was as short as the rest, oh well, it’s hot outside and it’ll grow back. He kinda looks like a tiny fox or more like a cat now, not so much like a Thor, but whatever, he’s still cute.
For dinner we had grilled salmon and potatis with dill on everything, our apartment smelled like my grandma’s house back when I was a kid.
We grabbed drinks and took our exhausted puppy up to the rooftop and watched the sunset. 

We had a perfect Midsummer celebration! I’m very happy with how the day turned out. Midsummer is the one day a year when I really want to be in Sweden. The hours of light in a day during summer is one of my favorite things in life. When I was a kid I never pulled the curtains down when I went to sleep. I loved waking up when the sun hit my face in the morning. You don’t get as many hours of sleep during summer months but it’s worth it. On Midsummer, the sun doesn’t really go down, I love it!
This was my 9th (!!) Midsommar away from Sweden. Every year I tell my husband the same thing “Maybe next year we can celebrate Midsommar in Sweden”. I said it this year again and we’ll see:) 

Thor celebrated Midsommar on Friday when he was still fluffy

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