Haircut, hiking and yummy appetizers

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Hello new week! It’s raining and Thor is so tired that he didn’t eat his breakfast, he rather sleep. Just one of those gray days. 

We didn’t have any plans for this weekend. We had seen that it said it was going to rain most of the weekend so we made no plans other than in the last minute book Thor for a haircut.

Friday was super nice so we went to the outdoor serving at Tigin in downtown Stamford and had happy hour appetizer food with live music in the background. 

On Saturday morning, we dropped Thor off at the dog spa. It feels like he just got a haircut, but his hair and nails grows extra fast during summer. We are going camping in two weeks so we want his hair to be shorter then and since it’s our 5 year anniversary this coming weekend, it was perfect that she could squeeze him in this Saturday. While he got a haircut, we drove to Walmart to get a few things and then had breakfast at the Darien Diner. We kept getting flash flood warnings on our phones and at Walmart it sounded like the rain was gonna come through the roof. So much rain!
We picked Thor up, he looked really good this time. It’s always hard to know what to ask for with his face since he has these markings, but she did a great job this time I think. Apparently he also scored some cat food there, haha.
We went to the Athletic Club to work out around lunchtime and then wanted to go see a movie in the afternoon. But the movie passes we have didn’t work. That company is about to go under, which sucks, it was such a great deal. Instead we went to the grocery store and got some yummy snacks to munch on with a movie at home at night. I had already seen the movie so I wasn’t super into it, I was more focused on eating my popcorn:) 

Sunday was supposed to rain all day, but after breakfast the sky cleared up, so we drove to a park with Thor. The sun was fully out by lunch so we once again went to Tigin to have appetizers. Lovely to sit outside. Better enjoy it when we can:) Jim went home after lunch and I walked over to the mall. Found nothing, so I went home after just a little while. Sat on the terrace for a bit before we got too hungry. I made a pasta alfredo with bacon.

At night we watched a movie and then I found a video with Sylvie Guillem‘s performance she ended her career with by Mats Ek. Perfect way to end a relaxed and enjoyable weekend. 

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