Nashville, day 2

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July 28th, we woke up around 7 or so and decide to get out to find coffee. When we had picked up a cup each, we started to walk around the downtown area of Nashville. Noone out now so I could really get a look at it. Broadway seems to be a crazy street no matter what time you show up, except at 7:30 in the morning:) I had searched online what things we should see in Nashville and found the Printer’s Alley, so that’s what we went to check out first. Euhm,..there is nothing there except for the sign. Ok. We walked back. We thought about visiting the Johnny Cash museum but it was small and kinda expensive for what it was and since Jim doesn’t really care we decided to skip it. By this time it was getting closer to 10 am when the hotel pool would open. We changed clothes and took the elevator to the top. We went in, spent maybe 4 minutes there and then parents and like 10 kids showed up and splashed all around us, so we got up. We sat down in the lounge and ordered champagne instead.

When we had showered and were dressed, we walked to a different area of Nashville. First mission was to find lunch. Jim wanted to go eat at a chicken place but there were like an hour long line to get in so we ended up at a random bar. My food came and when I had finished it, J had still not got his food. The bartender gave some lame and fake excuse to why it was late. Eventually it came and we had wasted about an hour of our tourist time. Oh well.

Out on adventures. We came to RCA Studio B. I was excited to check it out, but apparently you can only visit it by visiting the Country Music Hall of Fame first and they will drive you in a bus there and have a guided tour. That sucked! I was so disappointed! We walked on the music row for a bit and there is really nothing in that area. So we walked back to downtown Nashville to see our friends who were at Tootsies. Crowded and loud, but fun to experience.
In the afternoon, we all went to our hotel. J had brought a poster for his friend so we thought it could be nice to stop by the hotel bar before they head back to their hotel to change before the concert.

Jim and I got to the concert a bit before the others. I didn’t even realize it was the Pixies playing on stage, cause we were just standing there trying to figure out where they were. We had good spots right in front of the stage, but when the others finally came, they didn’t want to stay there for whatever reason, so we walked to the very back of the crowd. Weezer was great! We had fun. The guys were singing out loud of course, like always when they get together:) 

After the concert, around 11:30pm, they wanted to go find a less crowded bar off Broadway. I honky tonked by myself for maybe an hour while the others sat in the bar. I was pretty tired after midnight and I tried to tell Jim that he seemed done. Well.. we didn’t get back to the hotel until 3am, and nothing, absolute nothing, had happened in those three hours. But oh well, these guys don’t see each other very often so I didn’t want to drag J and his friend away from each other. 

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