Lily in ONEderland

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May 12, 2022

I finally got a chance to look through the pictures I have from Lilys birthday. Both Lilliput and I are currently sick so every time she takes a nap or spends time with her daddy, I go lay down cause I feel like crap. But now I decided to take a moment and log on here and share her special day with you. 

About a month ago, I sent out an invitation to our closest family for a virtual birthday party and I wanted to set up something cute just like we did for our baby shower. I also ordered a cake….and that whole cake story just turned into a shitshow (excuse my language). The cake we finally got was very cute, but not what I had ordered. I wanted a ‘tea cup with baby shark swimming in it’ cake topper and the baker (also our neighbor) said she could do it. Later on she suggested all these other kinds of cakes and said we can buy a toy cup and put a toy baby shark in it. Since I didn’t have one and we were running out of time to order anything I just told her to do something else. But I still wanted that topper. So I went to buy gum paste and tried to make my own tea cup. Hahhahaha, oh my, it looked like crap (package said it dries fast…which it didn’t and it kept melting so it didn’t have a good shape) and not cute enough to put on the cake, but I kept it on the table anyway. And then I made some “Eat Me” cookies. 

Thor ended up at the vet on Friday (the vet ER didn’t want to take him in the night before) so we had to deal with his poop issues all weekend. Jims dad and wife drove down from Chicago and spent the weekend which was very nice. They too unfortunately ended up a little sick. Lily woke up with her very first cold on her birthday. I had a runny nose and soon started to cough. My sister, John and Lilys cousin Mila were one of two who had scheduled a time for video call. We had to keep it a little short since Lily wasn’t feeling well. Then I got L to take a nap, so the other scheduled call, with J’s aunt, got delayed. Jim’s mom and stepdad were in West Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day and Lilys other cousin, Sam, who’s birthday is May 6. They ended up wanting to call at the same time. Then all of a sudden my dad asked if they could call at the same time as well. And Lily just slept. We ended up talking to everyone but L was not her best self. Being outside in the backyard made her a little happier though.
In the afternoon, we grilled some food and then I brought out the cake. Lily’s very first cake and first time eating something sweet. She seemed to enjoy it:) It also got her some energy and she was having a good time for couple of hours.
I tried to have Lily open her gifts from the person we talked to but of course it was a bit hard. We had to just try our best to have her open everything (that I had wrapped beforehand) before it was bedtime. She got so many new toys, I don’t even know where to store all this hahah. And somehow everyone got her different things. When you have a theme party like this you’d think something would be duplicate but no. And she seems to actually love them all, she’s been having so much fun with each gift all week.
I’d like to thank everyone who joined us, in person or on the phone.

I had an idea of how to celebrate my daughters first birthday and obviously when a child gets sick you have to respect that, give her what she needs and take it minute by minute. I still think it ended up being a good celebration. I do think I was the only one who enjoyed all the decorations that I set up, but oh well, it was cute. A person only have their birthday for the first time once, and I wanted it to be special even if she won’t remember:)

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