February 19, 2021
Jim took Thor to the vet this morning for new x-rays, I stayed at home cause it’s just easier for T in the car. We didn’t get the greatest news. He had x-rays done before Christmas and it seemed promising but now I guess it hasn’t changed or has even got worse. So he needs surgery after all:( There were apparently some larger stones in his bladder now J said so we want to do this surgery soon so we don’t have to go to in for an emergency (plus he has been dealing with this for almost a year now). He’s scheduled for March 3rd. My poor baby, my heart is broken. But these operations are not uncommon on dogs so I know he’ll be fine, but of course it’s still scary, he’s so little.
Another sad news was that he has to continue with his current diet for the rest of his life and he hates this food plus he doesn’t get any treats. I feel so bad for him.
Everywhere we read about how to prepare your dog for a baby it says to lessen the snuggles and attention because there will automatically be less of it from when baby arrives, but right now I just want to smother him with cuddles and kisses. He deserves all the love there is♥
We were out playing in the snow earlier today