7 Years Anniversary

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August 19, 2020

Yesterday, it was 7 years since we said “I do, I do” in Italy. All year I have been thinking it is 8 years until J told me it is 7 haha but who cares, one year more or not doesn’t really matter:) I can’t wait to celebrate our 50th 😀 …or, I mean, I Can wait, I’m in no rush to get that old 😛
Last night we decided to go out for dinner. Other than going out when we were down in Florida, we have not been to a bar or a restaurant since February. We chose to go to an Italian restaurant downtown. This place is kinda whatever but it has a super awesome truffle pasta that I love and order every time! This place is also a bit away from the other bars and restaurants in downtown which was nice, I didn’t want to be near too much people. We sat outside of course, there were plenty of guys working and they were very serious about safety which I appreciate. We had our face masks on until the food and drinks came to the table. It still feels weird to wear a mask everywhere but it is time to get used to this, we probably have to do this for a long time, especially now in the fall when things will get worse again. 
Anyway. The food was delicious. We ordered meatballs and a salad for appetizers and then Jim ordered chicken with sausage and I ordered a small portion of the pasta. We are not used to eat those big portions anymore like we used to:) For dessert I got an espresso and we got a tiramisu to share. Perfect anniversary dinner, perfect company, perfect evening. 
How can I be so lucky to be married to such a wonderful person? I ask myself that all the time. It is crazy how much I love and like Jimmy and I appreciate everything he does for me and Thor♥

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