Home for a week

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Some random pictures from our Kauai vacation

On Sunday night last week, I was so excited to start a new week and get back to real life after a week of jet lag and a sore throat. But then shit happens (literally). Thor had tummy problems and it’s been going on all week. I have been running out several times with him every day. Sometimes it’s false alarm, but we still need to go out. So, I have been home almost all week. Bored? Yes. We were thinking about spending the weekend in the city, but since the pup hasn’t been feeling too awesome all week, we skipped that. Yup, fun life of puppy parents. I’m still super congested so I took this weekend to try to recover. Hopefully this cold goes away soon.
Ok, enough about this shitty story. Now, I am excited to start a new week tomorrow. And this will kinda be the real start of this year. Wohoo!
Who else is excited about this year? 

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