Sitting sideways

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So, a weird thing happened to me on Tuesday. As you know, we are a few neighbors who gathers every other week to talk about meditation. On Tuesday it was at first only the woman who arrange this and me there, and after a half hour or so a neighbor and her friend, both from Brazil, showed up. Together we did a meditation focused on the 7 chakras.

We started with the root chakra and worked on each all the way up to the crown and on each one we used a breathing technique. It was pretty long time on each chakra. By the time we came to focus on the throat and the third eye, my body started spinning until it felt like I sat completely sideways. It felt like my body, that was upright and crosslegged, and the armchair I sat in suddenly were glued to the wall next to us. I didn’t want to open my eyes, cause I wanted to see where this experience could take me. But I tried to have myself back to normal sitting, but it was just not possible, I could not move. Of course I wasn’t actually floating sideways, I was probably in the same position as I started the whole time, but it really felt like I was sitting on the wall with my right side of the body facing the floor. Whatever I was thinking to get myself back didn’t work, and then of course I was working hard to not think. So much was going on at the same time. When we finally opened our eyes, it felt like I had been on a roller coaster for an hour and I had to hold on to the chair. I don’t know for how long we were meditating, but it was for a pretty long time, and it definitely did stuff. 

It wasn’t a scary experience, just weird. I’ve experienced stuff during meditations plenty of times before, but never have I been hanging on a wall sideways before. I’ve been pretty light-headed lately so I’m sure that has something to do with it. And I read that when eyes are closed and your body is still for a longer time, the mind might forget what direction the body is because it is used to that the body is moving around. I meditate almost every day, but usually for shorter times, so it could be a combination of that I was tired at night and that I wasn’t used to sit for that long. 

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