tb 3EB and Midsummers

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I have not seen my husband jump out of bed, get ready and leave so quickly many times before. Britain voting to leave the EU seems like a pretty big deal. That was even one of the topics in the dog park this morning. I was hoping he would have a slow day and come home really early to join me for Midsummer Festival, but who knows.

I have no Midsummer feelings today. Not yet anyway. Every year I say that I have to celebrate midsummer in Sweden the next year. This will be my sixth year in America on the biggest day in Sweden. We have been down at the celebration by Wagner Park every year. Last year I just quickly walked around it before my husband and I went to a Third Eye Blind concert. I haven’t posted pics from that concert before so that’s why I thought I would do it today.
The celebration in Battery Park is bigger and bigger every year and it’s hard to even walk around. Swedish people mixed with tons of tourists and the lines for food is ridiculous, it’s overpriced and not that great (but hey, overpriced food is normal in Sweden, so..). The sun goes down around 9 and people goes to clubs after the festival is over. Not very “Midsummer” to me. But, this year I have two groups of Swedish people to hang out with and everybody seems excited, so I’m gonna do everything I can today to get the Swedish spirit up:)
Like previous years, I’m gonna say that I want to celebrate midsummer in Sweden next year 🙂 As of right now, I don’t even know when my next trip there will be. We have a vacation coming up next week, my parents are coming here in the end of August and we are going to Orlando in the end of September, so I really don’t know when I would even go.

Third Eye Blind at Pier 97, June 19, 2015 :

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