Liberty State Park

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We had a really nice weekend. On Friday I met Jim and a guy he works with at a bar. When the guy left, J and I walked two blocks East on 30th Street and had the most amazing food at The Cannibal. The name says it all. Places like that is a reason I can never be a full time vegetarian, haha. Every bite was just too good to be true.
On Saturday we went to 14th street, left some clothes to Goodwill and then we had brunch at one of our favorite places, Brazen Fox. We sat on their little outdoor balcony for the first time. Very cute. The food was amazing as always. I can’t really remember what else we did that day, so probably nothing exciting:)
We have started to make a list of things we want to do when we live in NY and one thing was to take the new path train across the Hudson River to New Jersey and visit the Liberty State Park. The station is brand new and you walk inside the “dinosaur” (that’s my nickname for their new building next to wtc) to get to the trains. It was such beautiful day and a nice view of Manhattan, so we decided to walk instead of take another train from the station in NJ.
When we got to the Hudson River in Liberty Park we stopped for ice cream, which of course melted in a sec haha. I didn’t know this, but you can take the boat to Statue of Liberty from this side too so there were plenty of tourists on their way to the statue. Eventually we found out that the water taxi to Manhattan actually went from that side of NJ where we were, so that became a quick way home. We finished our day watching the basketball final of course.

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