Animals in Mexico

Vi aker snart pa semester. Det blir inga palmer eller hoga plusgrader, men sa trevligt det ska bli! Fika fika fika! Mys pa Stockholms uteserveringar. Gott kaffe! Promenader langs vattnet. Turistande. Oh, sa harligt det kommer bli!
Pa tal om semester sa har jag nagra bilder som jag inte har visat er fran Mexico. Vi sag ju bl.a en del djur dar. Sag fram emot (och samtidigt inte) att se deras apor, men de hade rymt. Jag hoppas de mar bra! 

We are going on vacation soon. No palm trees or high temperature, but it will be so nice! Fika fika fika! Cozy at Stockholm’s outdoor servings. Great coffee! Walks along the water. Tourism. Oh, so lovely it will be!
Speaking of vacation, I have some pictures I haven’t showed you from Mexico. We saw among other things a lot of animals there. Was looking forward to (and also not) see their monkeys, but they had escaped. I hope they are ok! 

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Vi aker ner till Philadelphia idag. Bestamde oss lite snabbt igar att vi skulle ta oss en trip ner dit over helgen. Klockan ar nu halv 6 och jag har duschat och gjort mig iordning. Jim sover val fram tills vi behover aka hemifran, haha. 
Jag har skrivit en lista saklart pa allt vi behover se i staden. Skypade med mina foraldrar igar och saklart namnde min kara far att vi skulle ga pa alla gator som Bruce Springsteen gar pa i Streets of Philadelphia. Ser fram emot helgen. 

We are going down to Philadelphia today. Decided yesterday that we should make a trip down there over the weekend. Time is now half past five and I have showered and made myself done. Jim will probably sleep until we need to leave our home, haha. 
I have written a list of course of things we need to see in the city. I skype’d with my parents yesterday and of course my dear father mentioned that we should walk on all the streets that Bruce Springsteen is walking on in Streets of Philadelphia. Looking forward to this weekend. 


Lillie’s Q

Tankte tipsa om Lillie’s Q BBQ i Chicago. Helt otroligt god mat!  Vi fick aka en bit, men det var helt klart vart det!

Forra aret var Jim pa ett event har i New York med inbjudna kockar och en av dem var fran Lillie’s Q. Han fick med sig en smoky bbq sauce som vi anvande till vara kottbullar som vi gjorde till var fejkade julafton for exakt ett ar sedan. Sa gott! 

English: I want to recommend you Lillie’s Q BBQ in Chicago. Really amazing food! We got ravel a bit, but it was worth it! 
Last year Jim went to an event here in New York with guest chefs and one of them was from Lillie’s Q. He brought home a smoky bbq sauce that we used in our meatballs that we made for our fake Christmas Eve exactly one year ago. So good!






Visa större karta



När vi var i Chicago förra veckan åkte vi till Andersonville (läs historia HÄR). Lång biltur dit, promenerade runt i området, handlade lakrits och choklad, kort besök på Swedish-American Museum, och sedan en lång biltur tillbaka igen. Jim och hans mamma har ju svenskt i blodet så det var roligt att gå runt där och visa svenska saker och förklara hur det ser ut i Sverige på julen.
En kall men mycket trevlig dag!

English: When we were in Chicago last week, we went to Andersonville (read the history HERE). Long drive there, walked around the area, bought some licorice and chocolate, short visit to the Swedish-American Museum, and then a long drive back again. Jim and his mother have some Swedish in their blood so it was fun to walk around there and see Swedish things and explain how it looks like in Sweden at Christmas.
A cold but very nice day!







