The Cloister

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New York is a sweaty place these days. Summer has just begun and we have between 27 an 32°c every day and it’s so humid that it feels like walking into a sauna every time you leave your home. But this is what I love. I prefer to be able to sweat whenever I want and then go inside to sit by the air conditioner rather than freeze no matter where I am. 
Anyway. Hi!
I thought I would share some photos from Saturday when my husband and I took the subway up to 190 St and walked around the area of where The Met Cloister is. It’s so beautiful there in the spring/summer. I have been there once before and I have been wanting to bring Jim up there. Beautiful view of the Hudson River and nice walks. 
We got off the subway on the wrong side and some weird person with barely any teeth took us around and told us many stories about the area, which actually was fun. The Cloister is kinda small and it doesn’t take much time to go through it, but it’s interesting and Jim seemed to enjoy it. I mostly just wanted to get away from the city and be in the nature for a few hours. It’s nice to be able to do this and not even leave Manhattan.

New York ar svettigt dessa dagar. Sommaren har precis borjat och vi har mellan 27 och 32°c varje dag och det ar sa fuktigt att det kanns som att ga in i en bastu varje gang man lamnar hemmet. Men detta ar vad jag alskar. Jag foredrar att kunna vara svettig och nar jag vill kunna ga in och sitta vid air conditioner istallet for att frysa vart jag an ar. 
Iallafall. Hej!
Jag tankte dela nagra foton fran i lordags da jag och min man tog tunnelbanan upp till 190 St och promenerade runt i omradet dar The Met Cloister ligger. Det ar sa vackert dar pa varen/sommaren. Jag har varit dar en gang forut och jag har velat ta med mig Jim dit upp. Vacker utsikt over The Hudson River och trevliga promenader.
Vi kom ut fran tunnelbanan pa fel sida och nagon konstig person med nastan inga tander tog oss runt och berattade manga historier om omradet, vilket faktiskt var roligt. The Cloister ar ratt litet och det tar inte lang stund att ga igenom det, men det ar intressant och Jim verkar gilla det. Jag ville mest komma ifran city och vara i naturen i nagra timmar. Det ar trevligt att man kan det och inte ens lamna Manhattan. 

Caffe Reggio

caffe-reggio_01 caffe-reggio_cappuccino caffe-reggio_05 caffe-reggio_02 caffe-reggio_04 caffe-reggio_03Caffe Reggio is proud to be the first caffe
in the United States to serve Cappuccino”

I found out online that there is a cafe in Greenwich Village that has been there since 1927. Domenico Parisi brought the cappuccino to America and they still have the espresso machine, from 1902, at the cafe today (not in use of course, but still pretty cool). The cappuccino wasn’t the best I’ve ever had, but good enough and the lunch sandwich that I ordered was great. This is a small place with tables very close to each other, but still a cozy feel to it and it really does feel old with all the art work in the room. I tried to picture how it was to sit at this cafe and sip a cappuccino back in the old days. 

A coffee lover like me loves to visit places like this. New York is relatively a new city but there is plenty of interesting history and a lot is kept. New York City is definitely one of the coolest cities to discover.

Jag hittade online att det finns ett cafe i Greenwich Village som har funnits dar sedan 1927. Domenico Parisi presenterade cappuccino for Amerika och de har fortfarande espresso maskinen, fran 1902, kvar pa cafet idag (inte i bruk saklart, men anda ratt coolt). Cappuccinon var inte den basta jag smakat, men tillrakligt god och lunchmackan som jag bestallde var god. Det har ar ett litet stalle med bord ratt nara varandra, men anda ratt mysig kansla och det kanns verkligen gammalt med all konst i rummet. Jag forsokte forestalla mig hur det var att sitta dar pa detta cafe och smutta pa en cappuccino pa den gamla tiden.

En kaffealskare som jag alskar att besoka stallen som detta. New York ar relativt en ny stad men det finns en hel del intressant historia och mycket ar bevarat. New York City ar definitivt en av de coolaste staderna att upptacka.