A night in the city

A month or so ago, my husband and I talked about renting a cabin for the Memorial Day weekend. We wanted a quiet place in a forest, just me and my husband enjoying each others company and leaving our phones at home. Instead, we ended up booking a hotel room on Manhattan, haha. On Thursday last week, Jim booked a room at a hotel that I’ve always thought looked cool, The Dream Downtown. Hahahha. Instead of quiet time in the woods, we stayed in one of the busiest cities in the world, a city we had just moved away from 😀

We left Thor with the dog sitter and took the train into the city. It takes about 50 minutes with the express train into Grand Central. This was actually my first time going back into the city since we moved here. It felt like I had been gone for way longer than only two months. J had the opposite feeling. When we arrived at the hotel in Chelsea, they upgraded us to a bigger room. So far, all hotel rooms I’ve stayed at in NYC has been pretty small. We now had a King room and it was pretty tiny if you compare to anywhere else outside New York. But, it was a pretty cool room and it’s a cool looking hotel. Interesting details. We were kinda hungry so we walked over to Artichoke pizza. We bought one slice each to-go but brought it only a few steps over to their outdoor seating. Others were waiting for table service but we enjoyed our to-go pizza, haha. I thought for sure they were gonna ask us to leave, but they didn’t. 

Back at the hotel, after I had put some makeup on and changed into heels, we went to check everything out at the hotel. Then we got a free drink in their Mexican restaurant downstairs and then we went to their rooftop bar, PHD, where we also got free drinks. Jim has been to this bar before but this was my first time. I thought it was really nice. Great view and relaxed. After this we ended up at a few more places. A thai restaurant (where we actually also got free drinks haha), a club that I’ve been to several times before that has an indoor pool and a rooftop, the Tao restaurant that is pretty cool looking (but apparently the food there isn’t that great), and then we somehow ended up at the thai place again.

We must be really old or something, hahah, cause we were back at the hotel and passed out before 11pm. In the morning we slept til basically we had to check out at noon. It was so nice to wake up whenever we wanted instead of getting a billion kisses in the face at 6am 🙂 (we love our dog, but sometimes its nice to sleep in).

My husband and I have so much fun together! I love doing random weird stuff with him. We haven’t laughed this much in a while. My husband is very spontaneous and I try to be the same. It’s more fun that way. And it’s fun to be a “tourist” in the city for a day:) We had a fun little mini trip to Manhattan. 

Mahayana Buddhist Temple


As you know, we have a list of things we want to cross off in NYC. Every weekend we have been talking about going ice skating, but when we wake up and realize it’s too cold we decide not to go. So on Saturday we sat down and thought of what we should do. I looked in one of my NY guide books and asked Jim if he wanted to go visit a Buddhist temple. 

xo-restaurant-chinatown-feb2017_03We took the subway up to Chinatown by lunchtime. We were hungry and decided that we should eat first. We walked around a bit and then just walked in to a random Chinese place, XO Restaurant on Hester St. Very cheap food there and everything was great! Seemed to be a popular place too. I felt like I was on vacation, haha, part because I was the only blonde in there. 

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Right after our awesome food, we walked over to the Mahayana Buddhist Temple. I’ve walked by many times before but never been inside. The temple has the largest Buddha statue in the city, about 5 meter tall. It’s a tourist place for sure (I found it in my guide book), but other people do come there to pray too. It was peaceful in there, but it was also strange to know that the crazy NYC is right outside the door. 

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Chinatown was blocked off on several streets with police everywhere since they celebrate the new year. They were playing music and danced in front of stores while tourists ran after them to take pictures. I think it’s fun that they celebrate the new year for days. Everyone was happy and they had these big poppers with confetti. Saturday was apparently just a pre-party for the bigger celebration on Sunday. And they had a big celebration the weekend before as well. I wonder how crazy it was then.

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Statue of Liberty


Awhile ago, we booked tickets to go up to the crown of the Statue of Liberty. I have been on the island and seen Lady Liberty up close once before, but not been inside her. I’ve been told since I first came here that she was closed and you couldn’t go up, but that was apparently not true. She was under construction for a while after 9/11, but it’s been possible the whole time I’ve lived here. Oh well. My husband has never been out there so I’m glad that I got to experience this with him.

You have to book your tickets 1-2 month ahead, and I now understand why. It’s a very tight space and the stairs up doesn’t fit more than one person. And unhealthy people should be prepared for a workout. You can take the elevator up to the pedestal (which you also need tickets for btw) but if you feel like walking instead, which we ended up doing, it’s 354 stairs from the bottom to the top. The spiral stairs from the pedestal up to the crown is very narrow and hard to walk up if you have a bigger body. Jim, who isn’t super tall, had to watch his head on the way down, so to be short like me is perfect:)

The crown is small and there’s not much to see, but it’s absolutely worth it! I thought it was super cool to see it from the inside. I almost felt starstruck, haha. This statue represent so much and to see the city from the inside was amazing. 

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If you plan to go out to Liberty Island on your vacation to New York, then I recommend you to go online at least a month before your trip and book your tickets for the crown. 

World’s best bar, museum and a drink at the Ritz Carlton

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On Saturday we woke up early, bought coffee, worked out for bit and then we walked to The Dead Rabbit for brunch. Last year they got voted the “world’s best bar 2016” and for several years before that they got voted the best bar in North America. So, I’ve been wanting to go there since Jim told me about it a year ago.

I ordered eggs benedict with salmon, which I’ve actually never tried before, and it was really good. The best bar in the world? No, I wouldn’t say that, but it was a cool place. We sat on their third floor where they had thick beams in the ceiling and interesting posters on the wall. On the first floor, which I don’t have a picture of, the ceiling is full of photos and the floor is filled with sawdust. Small and packed with people.

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After brunch, we walked over to the National Museum of the American Indian. Not a lot to see there but we walk pass it all the time so we thought, since its free, we could check it out. Downstairs they have an exhibition called “circle of dance” which was interesting of course.


At night we wanted to go to the restaurant by our apartment to hang out with neighbors. The old ladies here are there every single night and we are curious of why. But, this was the first night (like, ever) they didn’t sit at the bar there so we went to have a drink at the Ritz Carlton hotel instead. We have to go to the “old lady bar” another time I guess:)



Today is National Coffee Day. Guess if I’m gonna drink lots of coffee:) Once again, I’m waiting for some guys who will (hopefully) do stuff in the bathroom and kitchen today. Later, around noon, I’m leaving Thor with a dog sitter, cause we are going to Orlando tomorrow morning. Yeey! Excited! 
On Tuesday, Jim and I went to Nobu for a dinner with a guy through J’s work and his fiance. It was super nice and the food was great! Very expensive, so it was definitely nice that we didn’t have to pay for it, hahah. The lamb chops was probably everybody’s favorite, but I really enjoyed some of the raw fish dishes too. We had an awesome time and the couple was fun to hang out with.