Merry Liquoricemas

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Jag fick en super duper julklapp fran mina foraldrar i ar. En Lakrits julkalender! Vilken drom! 
Inne i boxen ligger sma guldiga pasar med ett spannade innehall av lakrits, chokladdoppad lakrits, kaffebonor i lakristchoklad, frukt och bar i lakrits. Ja, ni hor ju, sa underbart!! Och den far man njuta av innan jul!
Boxen hittar du HERE

I got a super duper Christmas gift from my parents this year. A Licorice Christmas Calendar! What a dream! 
Inside the box there is small gold bags with exciting things of licorice, chocolate dipped licorice, coffeebeans in licorice chocolate, fruit and berries in licorice. Ya, you hear, so wonderful!! And that one you can enjoy before Christmas!
You can find the box HERE


Lucia i din vita skrud

jimfanny_lucia_02_editedIgar var det Lucia, det firade jag med att skura koket och Jim tvattade Thor’s sang och kuddar 🙂 Thor ar tillbaka till sitt vanliga jag med mycket energi och massor med pussar. Det ar viktigt att han ar lugn och stilla vilket han inte alls gillar. Han far spendera mycket tid i sin playpen och med sin tratt pa huvudet vilket ar trakigt for honom. Tva veckor gar forhoppningsvis snabbt och snart ar det jul! 

Yesterday was Lucia, I celebrated that with scrubbing the kitchen and Jim washed Thor’s bed and pillows 🙂 Thor is back to his normal self with lots of energy and a lot of kisses. It is important that he is calm and still which is boring for him. Two weeks will hopefully go by fast and soon it’s Christmas!


two-licorice-tea black-green-teaopen-tea-boxes greenlicoricetea-boxes

Lakritste ar sa otroligt gott!! Eftersom det ar svarare att kopa saltlakrits har i USA, gillar jag att dricka lakritste fran Lakritsroten. Ger inte samma goda salta upplevelse, men det duger langa vagar:)
Det sags att sotsuget kan minskas nar man dricker lakritste. Sa om du forsoker sluta ata sa mycket godis och godsaker, kan ett lakritste vara ett bra alternativ.

“Smaken av lakrits upplevs av många minska sötsug. Det gäller förstås inte lakritsgodis utan lakritsrot som man kan köpa torkad i hälsokostbutiker. Även anis och fänkål, som också smakar lite åt lakritshållet, kan dämpa suget efter godis.”

Licorice tea is so incredibly great!! Since it’s harder to buy salt-licorice here in USA, I like to drink licorice tea from Lakritsroten. Doesn’t give the same good salty experience, but it goes a long way:)
It is said that sweet tooth can be reduced when drinking licorice tea. So if you try to stop eating so much candy and sweets, licorice tea can be a good option.

“The taste of licorice is by many experienced to reduce sugar cravings. It is of course not licorice candy, its licorice root which can be bought dried in health food stores. Even anise and fennel, which also tastes slightly like licorice, can suppress the craving for sweets.”

Cards with chip

Oj, nu kommer Bank of America till ar 2014. Nu ska korten fa ett chip! Hah, det har vi ju haft lange i Sverige och jag forstar inte varfor USA inte haft det tidigare. Har drar de kortet och man behover ingen kod. Vem som helst kan da med andra ord stjala ditt kort och kopa vad som helst. Varje gang jag kommer till Sverige maste jag fornya mitt svenska kort for att de har dragit sonder kortet. Nu anvande jag inte mitt svenska kort langre, men mitt Bank of America slits ju lika mycket. 
Sa ska ni resa till USA, tank pa hur ni anvander kortet. Vissa stallen ar det kanske battre att anvanda kontanter. Och hall hart i vaskan och planboken pa tex. tunnelbanan eller folkfyllda gator. 

Oh, now Bank of America is coming to the year 2014. The cards will now get a chip! Hah, that we’ve had for a long time in Sweden and I don’t understand why USA didn’t have it earlier. Here they swipe your card and you don’t need a pin. Anyone can then just steal your card and buy anything. Every time I go to Sweden I must renew my Swedish card cause they have been breaking it by swiping. Now I don’t use my Swedish card anymore, but my Bank of America has been worn out just as much. 
So if you are going to Sweden (or other countries they use chip), be prepared to have a pin and a valid ID. If your card does not have a pin, you could be better off with cash. In some stores in Sweden they might ask for your last 4 digits in your birth-number which you don’t have if you are an American (you have a social security number, but that is not the same thing), so to reduce time with the cashier you will be better off with cash.




Oj oj vad kallt det har varit i Stockholm idag. Vi har ju inte direkt nagra ordentliga jackor med oss sa vi fryser (just nu vill jag ha min vinterjacka!). Vi promenerade in till city och at lunch pa John Chris (godaste pastasallad med kraftstjartar) pa Drottninggatan. Efter det besokte vi Dans Museet’s shop. Jag ville hitta lite svenska dansbocker, men det lilla utbud som fanns var mest amerikanska bocker. Kopte en bok iaf. 
Vi promenerade vidare till NK och kollade alla klader med den Amerikanska flaggan (ja, i Sverige gillar man visst trojor med USA flagga pa och Yankees kepsar). Satt en stund pa EsperssoHouse vid Stureplan dar Jim kunde kolla hur det gar pa jobbet. Letade sen upp ett stalle att ata middag pa och nu ar vi tillbaka pa hotellet.

Oh wow how cold it’s been in Stockholm today. We don’t really have any good jackets with us so we are freezing (right now I want my winter coat!). We walked in to the city and ate lunch at John Chris (best pasta salad with crayfish tails) on Drottninggata. After that we visited the Dance Museum shop. I wanted to find some Swedish Dance books, but the small collection had mostly american books. Bought one book at least. 
We continued walking to NK (a mall) and looked at all the clothes with the American flag on (yes, in Sweden they apparently like sweaters with USA flag and Yankees hats). Sat for a while at EspressoHouse by Stureplan were Jim could check up on work. Then we found a place to eat dinner and now we are back at the hotel. 
