

Oj oj vad kallt det har varit i Stockholm idag. Vi har ju inte direkt nagra ordentliga jackor med oss sa vi fryser (just nu vill jag ha min vinterjacka!). Vi promenerade in till city och at lunch pa John Chris (godaste pastasallad med kraftstjartar) pa Drottninggatan. Efter det besokte vi Dans Museet’s shop. Jag ville hitta lite svenska dansbocker, men det lilla utbud som fanns var mest amerikanska bocker. Kopte en bok iaf. 
Vi promenerade vidare till NK och kollade alla klader med den Amerikanska flaggan (ja, i Sverige gillar man visst trojor med USA flagga pa och Yankees kepsar). Satt en stund pa EsperssoHouse vid Stureplan dar Jim kunde kolla hur det gar pa jobbet. Letade sen upp ett stalle att ata middag pa och nu ar vi tillbaka pa hotellet.

Oh wow how cold it’s been in Stockholm today. We don’t really have any good jackets with us so we are freezing (right now I want my winter coat!). We walked in to the city and ate lunch at John Chris (best pasta salad with crayfish tails) on Drottninggata. After that we visited the Dance Museum shop. I wanted to find some Swedish Dance books, but the small collection had mostly american books. Bought one book at least. 
We continued walking to NK (a mall) and looked at all the clothes with the American flag on (yes, in Sweden they apparently like sweaters with USA flag and Yankees hats). Sat for a while at EspressoHouse by Stureplan were Jim could check up on work. Then we found a place to eat dinner and now we are back at the hotel. 




Vi gick ner till restaurangen Bjork har pa hotellet igar kvall for de hade namligen svenska kottbullar pa menyn. Kottbullar, potatismos, brunsas, inlagd gurka och lingon, mmm gott!
Nu har vi precis varit pa gymmet en timme och ska ge oss ut i kalla Stockholm. Blir kanske museum idag. 

We went down to the restaurant Bjork here at the hotel last night, because they had Swedish meatballs on the menu. Meatballs, mashed potatoes, brown sauce, cucumber and lingon berries, mmm nice!
Now we have just been at the gym for an hour and we will be going out in a cold Stockholm. We will maybe visit a museum today. 


May 26

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Nu ar vi tillbaka pa hotellet en kortis for att ta pa oss lite mer klader. Det var soligt och varmt tidigare idag, men nu ar det inte sa skont langre. Vi ska forsoka hitta nagot bra stalle att ata pa. 
Vi har promenerat till Djurgarden idag. Vi gick till Skansen och kollade pa svenska sma hus och nordiska djur. Trevligt:)

Now we are back at the hotel for a quick stop to get more clothes. It was sunny and warm earlier today but now it’s not that nice anymore. We will try to find somewhere to eat. 
We walked to Djurgarden today. We went to Skansen and looked at tiny Swedish houses and Nordic animals. Nice:)


Sunday in Sthlm

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Some pictures from yesterday

Vi borjade var sondag med att springa en runda i parken har utanfor. Sen tog vi oss en lang promenad fran varat hotell pa Kungsholmen till Odenplan och satte oss pa ett litet gulligt bageri och at frukost. Vi fortsatte var promenad langs Birger Jarls Gatan, forbi Stureplan och till Dramaten. Vi gick snabbt forbi Kungstradgarden men Jim blev super allergisk, sa vi fortsatte direkt till Operan och Riksdagshuset. Vi gick upp pa slottet, kollade kyrkor, promenerade i Gamla Stan, fikade och fortsatte in pa Sodermalm hela vagen bort till Skrapan. Sen vande vi och gick tillbaka in till centrum och sedan Kungsholmen. 
Mycket promenerande i harligt soligt vader. Man hinner ju med ganska mycket pa en hel dag. 

We began our sunday with going for a run in the park here outside. Then we took a long walk from the hotel on Kungsholmen to Odenplan and sat down at a small cute bakery and ate breakfast. We continued the walk along Birger Jarls Gatan, past Stureplan and to the Royal Dramatic Theatre. We walked quickly past Kungstradgarden but Jim was super allergic, so we continued directly to the Opera House and Parliament House. We went up on the castle, looked at churches, walked into the old town, had fika and went out on Sodermalm all the way over to the Skrapan. Then we got turned back to the city center and then Kungsholmen.
A lot of walking in lovely sunny weather. You get to do pretty much stuff in one day.
