Sylvie Guillem

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Last night we went to New York City Center to see Sylvie Guillem “Life in Progress”. We booked the tickets the day they came out so I’ve been pretty excited about this performance for a very long time. Before the show yesterday I was both excited and sad. This is Sylvie’s last year, her last tour and yesterday was her last performance in New York City. I cried several times during the performance. She is such an amazing dancer and I have admired her for many years. 
There were four different performance pieces last night. The first piece, “Technê” by Akram Kahn, was so incredibly beautiful. This solo might be my favorite of all times. I cried. I enjoyed it. I got inspired. And I cried some more. The second piece, “Duo2015” by William Forsythe, was danced by two male dancers mostly in silence. Great dancers and very nice movements but it got a little tedious after a while to see the same kind of moves, until Sylvie jumped in for a few seconds to join the duo and then disappear again. Third piece, “Here & After” by Russel Maliphant, danced by Sylvie and a female dancer went from good to a little boring but with interesting sounds to amazing with great lights, movements and connection between the dancers. It’s also interesting to see Sylvie dance with another woman, because really good dancers appear like there is no effort in their movements, it looks so easy, until you see a really good dancer next to Sylvie:) The last piece, “Bye” by Swedish choreographer Mats Ek, is a piece that I’ve seen before at Lincoln Center in 2012. I love that piece so I didn’t mind seeing it again. In the end of the piece the apple screensaver came up, haha, but it really didn’t matter, who cares when there is perfect dance to watch in front of it. 
She got, of course, standing ovation and the absolute longest applause I’ve ever experienced. It just never ended. And she really deserves it. This is her last time performing there and she should know how much people care for her dancing. 
Sylvie Guillem turned 50 years old this year which you really can’t tell when she dances. She can make everything seem easy, she can look very serious but what I love the most is that she has this little child that comes out in her movements in some choreographies, especially in Mats Ek’s work. She is a perfectionist and it shows when she dance. Not a single thing that is not perfect. I will forever admire her and be inspired by her work and I will miss her in the dance world. She has six more performances and her last performance is in the end of December and then she will retire. 


Empire Easter

IMG_20150403_215726Empire State Building had colors to honor the Easter yesterday.
Wish I had a better camera with me. 

Igar kvall akte vi till Midtown och at thai pa Roomservice. Det blev en god men snabb middag innan vi skulle pa forestallning pa The DiMenna Center  for Music (Baryshnikov Arts Center). The DASH Ensamble hade en dansshow med inslag av teater. Eftersom jag har sett kompaniet forut, var jag nyfiken pa hur de skulle lagga in teater. De hade en bra teater story som overgick till danskoreografi som jag inte vet om det horde till storyn, och tillbaka till teater som byttes till dans. Halva forsta delen av forestallningen visade storyn, men sen kom den aldrig tillbaka igen, sa jag har lite fragetecken kring det. Men, det var valdigt bra. De ar duktiga dansare och deras stil ligger nara till det jag sjalv gillar att dansa och skapa. Sa, bra jobbat The Dash! 

Last night we went to Midtown for thai food at Roomservice. It was a nice but fast dinner before we were going to a performance at The DiMenna Center for Music (Baryshnikov Arts Center). The DASH Ensamble had a dance show with elements of theater. Since I have seen the company before, I was curious of how they would add theater. They had a good theater story that went over to dance choreography that I don’t know if it had anything to do with the story, and back to theater that changed to dance. The first half of the performance showed the story, but then it never came back again, so I have some question marks around that. But, it was very good. They have great dancers and their style is close to what I like to dance and create. So, good job The Dash! 


Igar hade Emma och jag en trevlig sushi middag i Bushwick. Efterat gick vi till kvallens forestallning: cpr – Center for Performance Research, Chez Bushwick Presents Lilja Rúriksdóttir
Sa roligt att se Liljas koreografi. Det kandes som att jag tittade pa Lilja under rehearsal i tre andra personers kroppar. Dansarna gjorde verkligen ett bra jobb. 
Det regnar idag. Vi hade tankt aka till Brooklyn, men det kanns inte sa kul i regnet. Vi far se vad vi gor idag. Thor verkar trott idag, ligger mest och sover i sin lilla “soffa” har bredvid oss. 

Yesterday, Emma and I had a great sushi dinner in Bushwick. After that we went to the evenings performance: cpr – Center for Performance Research, Chez Bushwick Presents Lilja Rúriksdóttir.
So fun to see Lilja’s choreography. It felt like I was watching Lilja in rehearsal in three other peoples bodies. The dancers really did a good job.
It is raining today. We thought we would go to Brooklyn, but it doesn’t feel that fun in the rain. We we’ll see what we end up doing. Thor seems tired today, mostly sleeping in his little “couch” here next to us. 

IMAG4261_2 IMAG4274_2Nice sushi and when I got home Thor was all snuggly sitting on my lap for a long time

3 years

Idag ar det tre ar sedan jag vaknade upp i New York efter en sommar pa svensk mark. Jag kom till NY den 28 December 2010 och planerade att va har i 6 manader. Jag stod pa svensk mark den 6 juli och visste inte vad som skulle handa. Planerna blev snart att jag skulle flytta till Osterrike, start over and see what happens. Men, nagot sa mig att jag inte var klar med New York, sa i sista stund beslutade jag mig for att aka tillbaka hit och plotsligt hade jag bade papper och flygbiljett klart. Allt gick valdigt fort, men jag angrar mig inte for en sekund.  

Today it’s three years since I woke up in New York after a summer on Swedish ground. I came to NY on December 28, 2010 and was planning to stay for 6 months. I stood on Swedish ground July 6 and didn’t know what would happen. New plans was soon that I would move to Austria, start over and see what happens. But, something told me that I was not done with New York, so in the last minute I decided to go back here and suddenly I had both papers and a ticket ready. Everything went so fast, but I don’t regret it for a second. 

Har ar en liten throwback fran tre ar / Here is a little throwback from three years :

Jag har njutit av New York City / Jag have enjoyed New York City


Jag borjade dejta Jim och blev tokforalskad i honom / I started to date Jim and became madly in love with him


Vi har rest tillsammans / We have traveled together

CIMG7201Minneapolis, Minnesota, our first weekend trip together, Dec 2011
IMG_3456_2IMG_3371We have been in Chicago several times to visit Jim’s family
IMG_4828IMG_4912IMG_5205IMG_5035We visited J’s friend in Washington DC, Aug 2012
IMG_1215_2IMG_0996_2Music festival and tourism in Boston, May 2013
IMG_2580Fanny_Jim_3048Falkenberg, Sweden, spending time with my family before wedding
IMG_2758_2CIMG1029_2IMG_3737_2IMG_3252_2Honeymoon on the Amalfi Coast, Italy, Aug 2013
IMG_7653_263_2IMG_7786_2Long weekend in Cancun, Mexico, Jan 2014
IMG_8782_2IMG_8800_2IMG_9069_2Sportsweekend in Philadelphia, April 2014

IMG_9679_2IMG_9701_2Went to Stockholm, Sweden, May-June 2014
IMG_0283_2IMG_05244th of July weekend in Colorado Springs

Jag har dansat och aven jobbat med The Equus Projects i tva ar / I have been dancing and also worked with The Equus Projects for two years


Varit pa manga manga konserter. Vissa band har vi sett flera ganger.  / Been to many many concerts. Some bands we’ve seen several times.


Gifte oss! / Got married!

Fanny and James Wedding in Raito 3 (9)_23 Fanny and James Wedding in Raito 1 (189)_22_2Fanny and James Wedding in Raito 3 (327)_B&W_darker_crop

Skaffat hund. THOR! / Got a dog. THOR!

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Efter en lang promenad pa Lower Manhattan tidigare idag gick vi forbi ett stalle som jag gar forbi nastan varje dag, ett stalle som alltid ser sa intressant ut. Killen utanfor bjod in oss for att se en installation och berattade att det var en del av en dansforestallning i samarbete med Joyce.
Ikvall gick vi forst till Wolfgangs och at det vanliga, ostron bacon och sparris, mums. Sen vidare ner till dar vi hade vart weddingparty i oktober forra aret. Saklart gick vi sen vidare ner mot varat omrade och forsokte fa biljetter till kvallens forestallning pa 3LD (Jim var faktiskt mer nyfiken an mig, haha). Jag gillade det starkt. Det ar precis det som jag alskar att se pa scen. Da menar jag rorelserna. Sjalva visual effects var coolare under dagen utan dansare. Men mycket bra over all maste jag saga. Kolla garna upp Zoe/Juniper sa far ni ett hum om vad vi sag ikvall.
Nu ar vi supertrotta. Godnatt!!

After a long walk on Lower Manhattan earlier today, we walked by a place I walk by almost every day, a place that always looks so interesting. The guy outside invited us in to see an installation and told us it was a part of a dance performance in collaboration with the Joyce. 
Tonight we first went to Wolfgangs and ate the usual, oysters bacon and asparagus, yummy. Then down to the bar where we had our weddingparty in october last year. Of course, later, we walked down to our neighborhood and tried to get tickets for tonights show at 3LD (Jim was actually more curious than me, haha). I really liked it. It’s just what I love to see on stage. And then I mean the movements. The actual visual effects was more cool during the day without dancers. But really good over all, I have to say. Look up Zoe/Juniper and you’ll get an idea of what we saw tonight. 
Now we are tired. Good night!!

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