La Crepe Bistro

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One of the days here in Chicago, I had lunch with my mother in law at La Crepe Bistro, a cute french cafe. They had a lot that sounded good on the menu but we both ended up with a sweet crepe. Such cute place and I loved the Christmas decorations in there. We had a great lunch.

En av dagarna har i Chicago, var jag pa lunch med min svarmor pa La Crepe Bistro, ett gulligt franskt cafe. De hade mycket som lat gott pa menyn men vi bada bestallde in en sotare crepe. Ett gulligt stalle och jag alskar deras juldekorationer. Vi hade en fantastisk lunch.

The Bulls in Brooklyn


Idag akte vi och sag basket i Barclays Center. Brooklyn Nets vs Chicago Bulls. Vi hade en private suite och sag matchen valdigt bra. Bulls vann saklart. Sa passande ocksa att min nya adidas Bulls keps kommit med posten nar vi var i Chicago. Riktigt roligt! Joakim Noah, min favorit, ar ju valdigt rolig att se pa basketplanen. 

Today we went to see basketball in Barclays Center. Brooklyn Nets vs Chicago Bulls. We had a private suite and saw the game pretty well. Bulls won of course. Good timing too since my new adidas Bulls hat had just arrived in the mail when we were in Chicago. Really fun! Joakim Noah, my favorite, is also so fun to see on the basketball court. 

A day in Chicago City

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Igar tog vi taget in till Chicago City. Vi fick chansen att ga till Chicago Board Options Exchange (cboe) vilket var valdigt haftigt, update om det kommer imorgon. Vi hade tankt att ga till ett museum, men klockan hade blivit ratt sen efter en lunch pa Miller’s Pub, sa vi gick runt i city en stund. Varje gang vi ar i Chicago vill jag garna ga till kaffe kedjan Caribou Coffee, men till min stora besvikelse har de nu lagt ner alla Caribou i Illinois. Vi hittade tillslut ett bakery, jag bestallde en latte och det var det varsta jag sett (om jag hade serverat en kaffe sa nar jag jobbade som barista hade jag fatt sparken direkt). 
Vi gick till marknaden med stadens Christmas Tree vid Daley Plaza. Vi fick aran att vara en del av Jim’s kompis som friade till sin tjej vid granen ♥ Vi gomde oss i folkmassan och nar hon hade sagt ja kom vi fram och gratulerade dem. Efterat akte vi till en champagne bar for att fira dem. 

Yesterday we took the train in to Chicago City. We got the chance to go to Chicago Board Options Exchange (cboe) which was very cool, update about that will come tomorrow. We wanted to go to a museum, but is was so late after we had lunch at Miller’s Pub, so we walked around the city for a while. Every time we are in Chicago I like to go to Caribou Coffee, but to my disappointment they had now closed down all Caribou in Illinois. We finally found a bakery, I ordered a latte and it was the worst thing I’ve ever seen (if I had served a coffee like that when I worked as a barista, I would get fired immediately). 
We went to the market with the city Christmas Tree by Daley Plaza. We got the honor to be a part of Jim’s friend that proposed to his girl by the tree ♥ We were hiding in the crowd and when she had said yes we came forward and congratulated them. After that we went to a champagne bar to celebrate them. 



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I sondags var vi pa en football game, The Chicago BEARS. Det regnade lite till och fran under matchen, men inte sa att det var jobbigt. Det var inte heller sa kallt. Med alla lager klader jag hade sa var jag faktiskt ratt varm. 
Stadium ar ratt nybyggd och den ar byggd innuti den gamla stadium vilket ar lite coolt. De har sparat de gamla pelarna och sten laktaren. Den har stadium ar tydligen inte jattestor heller, sa det hade varit roligt att i framtiden ga och se en riktigt stor football stadium.
Bears vann den har matchen vilket var kul. De gjorde tva touchdowns nar jag ensam gick ivag pa en liten promenad runt stadium. Det var valdigt roligt att se American football live. Det var roligt att se alla football fans i sina Bears jersey’s, mossor, halsdukar, jackor och annat. I USA dekorerar man garna sina hem med sitt lags logga ocksa, sa alla fans har sakerligen hus fulla med Bears grejer under vinterhalvaret tillsammans med Blackhawks (hockey) och Bulls (basket) som sen byts under sommaren till antingen White Sox eller Cubs (baseball teams). Allt detta ar saklart blandat med den Amerikanska flaggan i varje horn 🙂

On Sunday we were at a football game, The Chicago BEARS. It was raining a little on and off during the game, but it wasn’t that annoying. It wasn’t very cold either. With all the layers of clothes I had I actually was pretty warm.
The stadium is pretty new and it’s built inside the old stadium which is kinda cool. They have saved the old pillars and stone seats. This stadium is apparently not that big of a stadium either, so it would be fun in the future to got see a really big football stadium. 
The Bears won the game which was fun. They scored two touchdowns when I alone went for a walk around the stadium. It was fun to see American football live. It was fun to see all the football fans in their Bears jersey’s, hats, scarfs, jackets and other stuff. In the USA they like to decorate their homes with their teams logo on too, so all the fans probably have a house full of Bears stuff during the winter season together with Blackhawks (hockey) and Bulls (basketball) that later gets replaced during the summer to either White Sox or Cubs (baseball teams). All this is of course mixed with the American flag in every corner 🙂 
