September 7, 2021
Good Morning! Hubby is working and babies are asleep so I decided to start my laptop during breakfast and enjoy a warm cup of coffee. I have four thousand other things to do (like a ginormous pile of clean laundry to fold) but sometimes deciding to spend some time doing things you enjoy is be better than stressing about the boring stuff. I’m hoping that L stays asleep a bit longer so that I get some time to work out as well, which is hard to do during breakfast haha.
This three day weekend went by fast. But we got a lot done, not as much as we would have liked to but at least something:)
On Saturday we went for a walk around the block like we always do and then we left Thor at home and drove to the beach. That beach town got completely destroyed during hurricane Michael (category 5) in 2018 but it looked like houses are slowly being built back up. This long beach was before that hurricane supposedly one of the most beautiful beaches with bright blue water and white sand. I guess a storm can change that. Still a pretty beach but nothing special (we did however stop at one of the first parking we saw, I think if we would have driven down further it would be nicer). It was super windy and we had kinda woken Lily up from her nap so she was a bit fussy, so not a super relaxed beach time but I still very much enjoyed it. I fed Lily for a few minutes under the umbrella, I dipped my toes in the water, sat on a sandy blanket with my two loves, can’t be much better than that. We only stayed for an hour since babies under 6 months can’t wear sunscreen and the temperature was rising. Just like our last beach day, we left when everyone else got there.
On our way home we stopped by a cute family owned coffee drive thru and got bagels and coffees.
The beach made us tired so we relaxed for a bit on the couch at home. In the afternoon we decided to check out a park 10 minutes away from our house. There was a playground for kids, pathways for easy hiking, workout and picnic stations. Pretty cute park. We didn’t walk too much since it was still pretty hot outside and there was rain on the way, but we will definitely go back to this park.
On Sunday, Jim put together a bookshelf that finally arrived. And then we stayed busy in the house. I actually don’t remember what else we did other than cooking dinner hahah. All I know is that we didn’t get that much done in the house that we should have, but whatever.
And yesterday, Labor Day, we went for our morning walk and then drove to Home Goods and Hobby Lobby (and L had a poop explosion of course like always haha). We found some of the things we needed but I still need to buy stuff online. For example, I really want some nice pantry jars but I haven’t found what I’m looking for yet. Back at home I started to unpack the boxes of books. All my dance and yoga teaching books and teaching material has to stay in boxes until we have a book case for possibly the master bedroom where I might have a desk with the PC in the future (haven’t decided if I want one in this house, might just wait til our new house has been built and use my laptop for the time being, we’ll see).
As I was helping J put some things in our attic in the garage, the garden guys showed up. It’s funny in a way how all of a sudden you have people working in your yard, it’s definitely something I have to get used to and something I have to keep in mind when feeding Lily. Our grass looks soooo good now, it’s very green and fluffy. The main guy said when we hired them that he doesn’t want to do any other landscaping until maybe October, I guess rainy season isn’t ideal for planting things. But I can’t wait to have some palm bushes and palm trees around our house. And last week the HOA had a meeting and our fence was approved so hopefully that company comes soon and put that up and we can have some privacy.
It kinda looks like we’ve had an earthquake or a bomb go off in our house, nothing feels done, but at the same time I feel very at home here. I love having our own space without weed-smoking-2am-fighting neighbors on the other side of our bedroom wall. Neither of us thought that living in a community like this would fit us (we want more space in between neighbors and not so cookie cutter looking) but we quite enjoy it
♥ Our little princess ♥