October 28, 2021
When you’re born in May in the Year of the Ox, of course you have to dress up as a cow for Halloween, right?
Lily has another costume for actual Halloween on Sunday but I bought her this costume anyway because why not, it’s cute. Those cow toys were one of the first things I put on our baby shower registry, and also one of the first things that arrived among the gifts we received. I was hoping she would be born a Taurus rather than an Aeries, my wish was granted:)
This will not only be Lilys first Halloween, it will be mine as well, sort of. I’ve lived in America for 10 years and I have experienced Halloween through decor, parties in bars and I have even walked passed the Manhattan Halloween parade, but never have I had trick or treaters at the door. One year, our Stamford building wanted participants for trick or treat and we signed up as a place for the kids to come knocking, but the building didn’t have many kids to begin with and then – none of them showed up. We had all that candy, I was so excited but nobody came. This year we know there will be plenty of kids that will come knocking on our door. I’m super excited:) However, I am already a little disappointed on one thing. Apparently they don’t do trick or treat at night when it’s dark out anymore. Our community is talking about 5:30pm, what’s fun or scary about that? Oh well. For us it works out though since Lily usually is super tired and wants to go to bed around 6-7 at night. We have tons of candy for the kids. We should have probably bought some mini toys or something for the kids who can’t eat candy, like some neighbor here apparently has, but whatever. I can’t wait to see all the kids costumes!