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October 28, 2021

When you’re born in May in the Year of the Ox, of course you have to dress up as a cow for Halloween, right? 😀

Lily has another costume for actual Halloween on Sunday but I bought her this costume anyway because why not, it’s cute. Those cow toys were one of the first things I put on our baby shower registry, and also one of the first things that arrived among the gifts we received. I was hoping she would be born a Taurus rather than an Aeries, my wish was granted:) 

This will not only be Lilys first Halloween, it will be mine as well, sort of. I’ve lived in America for 10 years and I have experienced Halloween through decor, parties in bars and I have even walked passed the Manhattan Halloween parade, but never have I had trick or treaters at the door. One year, our Stamford building wanted participants for trick or treat and we signed up as a place for the kids to come knocking, but the building didn’t have many kids to begin with and then – none of them showed up. We had all that candy, I was so excited but nobody came. This year we know there will be plenty of kids that will come knocking on our door. I’m super excited:) However, I am already a little disappointed on one thing. Apparently they don’t do trick or treat at night when it’s dark out anymore. Our community is talking about 5:30pm, what’s fun or scary about that? Oh well. For us it works out though since Lily usually is super tired and wants to go to bed around 6-7 at night. We have tons of candy for the kids. We should have probably bought some mini toys or something for the kids who can’t eat candy, like some neighbor here apparently has, but whatever. I can’t wait to see all the kids costumes!

Weekly Bumps

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October 22, 2021

A year of transformation🤰🏼🤱🏼

One year ago today, I was 13 weeks pregnant. The next day I went in for the big ultrasound scan along with my husband. I had already seen and heard our baby three times before that day and the NIPT test had come back with good results, but I was still nervous. We had been stepping on that line to second trimester once before and ended up with broken hearts. But we were hopeful, and in May, our beautiful baby girl joined us earth side. One year of creating a new life, birthing a tiny human with a perfectly pure heart and mind, then caring for this little girl and watch her grow and develop new skills 💕
I took these weekly pictures and created this post purely out of my own fascination of what the body can do. There’s no room for judgements or opinions. I’m grateful to have been able to go through this journey of pregnancy and postpartum. I’m deeply impressed by how much a body can change and what it is capable of. I absolutely love and respect my body and these photos gives me joy ♥

5 months with Lilliput

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October 8, 2021

Good Morning! How are you? It’s been a minute since I updated here. Our girl is keeping us busy:) But today Lily woke up extra early, so after her feeding I left her sleeping in bed with the other two, went to fold some clean towels in the laundry room, did 30 min of yoga asana practice, cleaned up in the living room and now I hopefully have some time to sit with my laptop before they all wake up (it’s 6:08 am now). So here’s a little of what has happened in the last month or so:

* We have got all the furniture for our home except the patio stuff that is supposed to come today. Lily’s room is still more of a storage room (since she still sleeps in our room we haven’t cared to do anything in there yet) and I don’t have a desk or anywhere to put my things, but everything else in the house is pretty much done, some little things here and there but nothing we need to feel like we have a home.

* Jim’s dad and wife were here in September. They drove down all the way from Chicago and stayed for a week before they drove back. Very nice to have them here and get some extra help. We got help putting the TV up on the wall, I took advantage of time with babysitters so that I could organize our walk-in-closet that was a mess then, and I also went driving with Jim around the neighborhoods here cause no, I still don’t have an American license and I haven’t driven a car in foooreeever so I needed to practice. Lily, her grandparents and I also drove to an area that J and I visited last year when we flew down here. It’s a super cute European looking beach town. Very quiet and peaceful there now when there’s no tourists really. 

* Last weekend we drove to different neighborhoods and checked out lots for sale. Even if builders and building material is hard to find these days and everything takes forever we still want to build our dream home at some point in the future.

* Lily is 5 months old today. She laughs out loud, babbles all day long, doesn’t like to sit very much because standing (with support) and dancing is way more fun. She’s rolling around in the speed of light all over the floor so we can’t look away for even a second. Footsies are fun to play with (and sometimes they’re yummy). She still doesn’t really nap during the day so I get nothing done, but she sleeps through the night like she has since she was about one week old so we get our hours of sleep at least which we need for keeping up with all her energy hahah. 

* And how’s mama doing? Well, my body hasn’t recovered completely from giving birth so I’m going to the doctor next week, so hopefully my body can feel a bit more normal again soon. And since Lily doesn’t nap much I’m busy with her all day so I get no real time for myself to do yoga, shower my hair or write a blog post. Jim takes her from time to time but that’s when I deal with laundry, cooking or things around the house. She goes to bed around 8-ish at night (except this week, her night time sleeping has been totally off) so yes I can do whatever then, but at that time I’m so exhausted and hungry that I end up dead on the couch snacking. Hopefully we can figure out some sort of schedule for L so that I do get some time to deal with the daily chores and do things I enjoy (other than plying with Lily, cause that is honestly so much fun). 

That’s all I have time for now, Lily just woke up.

International Coffee Day

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September 29, 2021

Happy Coffee Day. I couldn’t wish for a better coffee date than my little cutie pie ♥

I know I haven’t updated here in awhile. I have written a couple of posts since my last one but there haven’t been enough time to actually click ‘Publish’, and then I forgot and then the post didn’t make sense anymore haha. But don’t you worry, I will post an update of everything that is happening 😀