Video: Dancing with Thor

Let’s just say this… our fluff butt is just the cutest little guy in the whole world ♥

It’s not the best quality of video and not the best light, but I wanted to share this anyway. Thor and I dance together sometimes (aka, he mostly just wants to cuddle and kiss me and he runs after my hands and feet). I have since day one used what I learned when working with the horses. Thor doesn’t care most of the times, but I have to tell you, some of the stuff we used with the horses does work on a dog as well. Thor learned to do almost all his tricks (and he knows a lot) within his first few months with us. Animals respond to body language and dogs are excellent with understand hand gestures and words. 

So, I wanted to share our little afternoon we had on Monday. He is so cute, my heart melts every time I just look at him.