
February 16, 2021

My pregnant body feels overall pretty great to be honest, but since our long car ride home from South Carolina last weekend my upper back has been a little angry with me. And sleeping on my sides is not helping the case, my upper back and neck muscles are quite uncomfortable.
So for the past week I’ve used my enormous pregnancy pillow to prop myself up to be able to sleep on my back on an incline which definitely helps (teaching my body to sleep on the side has been hard during this pregnancy🙈 I’m a back sleeper for sure).
And this supported fish pose (matsyasana) is amazing for overall feel-good relief (I usually open my knees out for a nice hip opener as well).
Matsyasana is know from the traditional texts to be “the destroyer of all diseases”. I really like the supported version regardless if I’m pregnant or not (one block under the ribcage -where the bra strap is- and one block to support the head, blocks on whatever height that is comfortable for you that day and you can add rolled up blankets -like I have in the picture- or use a bolster). It stretches the hip flexors (when legs are straight forward or knees out to the sides), belly and throat and it can feel nice for and strengthen the upper back and can improve posture.

Stillness in NYC

Stillness in one of the busiest cities of the world

When I walked in Battery Park in June 2019 I saw that they had torn down My Favorite Place in the city and this made me a bit sad. I used to go there all the time when we lived there (it’s in the back of our old apartment). Nobody else really used this space then and it was weirdly quiet there, just the sound of the water underneath hitting the poles.

When my husband and I walked by this area two weeks ago, we saw to our surprise that they had rebuilt it. Guess if I was happy🤸🏼‍♀️

Now however it seems to be a popular place, a perfect spot for yoga during pandemic it looked like.
I was obviously not sitting in meditation for more than a couple of minutes for this photo. But that’s not what the picture represents. I see it as a picture of what I felt all those times I’ve been sitting there by myself meditating while we lived next door for four years. Stillness in NYC does exist.
And this time I got to share it with our “Lilliput” (that’s what we call the bump)💗

Daily practice

October 28, 2020

I was really good for a few months to do daily practice of some sort. Could be meditation, asana practice, pranayama or just read some of the texts I have. I would tell my husband that I need some time alone and then go lock myself into either the “Fanny Room” (our workout room upstairs) or the bedroom. I would roll out my mat or throw a pillow on the floor to sit on and then decide in that moment what I wanted to do.
Then I had a few days when I didn’t do any of it, and even if it was only a few days, my new habit of practice every day was gone. And to be honest, it has been tough to go back to be as disciplined again. Or, ok, since April this year I have been writing in my gratitude app every night and finish every day with a 3 or 5 minute meditation before sleep, but that’s a habit on it’s own. But the other daily practice that I had built a habit of, been kinda proud of myself for, the commitment to myself, that’s what I’m talking about.
It’s all about discipline and commitment. Just do it. You’ll never regret taking time for yourself.

Daily practice doesn’t have to mean that you do advanced poses every day, it can mean you’re taking minutes to sit with closed eyes to focus on your breathing, or to take a moment to check in with yourself and where you’re at that day, maybe you’ll go for a meditation walk around your neighborhood, it can mean you lie in child’s pose and then switch over to savasana, or it can mean you spend hours practicing asanas like there’s no tomorrow.
It doesn’t matter. Just show up for yourself. To spend time with yourself, to take care of yourself isn’t selfish. Show yourself some love♡

Lots of props

March 8, 2019

Hej and Happy International Womens Day!

On Wednesday, after a nice morning with reading in the sun on the couch with a cup of coffee and Thor sleeping up against my leg, I put a bunch of clothes on (really cold outside these days), took T out, then grabbed my yoga mat and walked over to the yoga studio. I haven’t been there in forever.
The class was more like a restorative/stretch class, so pretty easy and relaxed. We used all the props there. Each person had 4 bolsters, 3 blankets, 4 blocks, 1 strap and 1 eye pillow. I felt very supported:) 

While in class, I started to think about why restorative is good for you other than it’s nice to get some time for yourself while you are also stretching… In Wednesday’s supported pigeon I really didn’t feel any stretching, because I had so much props holding up the body for me, so I was wondering what it was going to be good for. Whenever I’ve done restorative yoga poses before I could see the benefits with it, but on Wednesday in pigeon it made me think.

Passive stretching is good cause you don’t have to use your muscles to hold anything and you can relax, it’s a good way to de-stress and release anxiety, and that’s why I would recommend anyone to do it. But like I just said, now I started to think about why it was going to be good for me and my body this day. There were so many props holding me up that it did nothing for my muscles. My muscles are long and I’m flexible (not as much now as they used to be but still) and for this reason I’ve also been asking the why question every time we had the “stretching section” in the middle of a dance class (which in itself is something I’ve questioned over the years…the muscles that just got warmed up is now getting cold in stretching..why are we doing this?). My teachers always just answered that even if I don’t feel anything in the stretches we do my muscles can still benefit from it. But on Wednesday it felt like I could have stayed in bed at home and get the same result. But maybe that was my practice that day, maybe I was only supposed to take that time to questions things or to meditate. Others with tighter muscles benefited in this so I’m not questioning the pose and props, just, what did it do for me or others with longer muscles? 

It’s good to question things. If you go to a class and you don’t understand why you are doing something, then go ahead and ask the teacher why. I’ve had students who has no idea why we are doing certain movements in warm-ups and when they ask it’s my job to know why, it’s my job to only teach things I have an explanation for. If I have no explanation and can’t figure one out, then I should maybe scratch that out of my teaching (unless of course it’s just a transition move or part of choreography). I have always questioned things, I always analyze things my body is doing. It either made me the best student in the room or probably the most annoying one hahah. 

Summer Solstice 2018

Picture from the last time Jim was in Sweden, Aug 2016

Happy Summer Solstice! In Sweden we celebrate this day for real on the Friday near the solstice every year. Midsummer, one of the biggest celebrations we have in Sweden except for Christmas. Around this time, especially on Summer Solstice, the sun doesn’t go down. All summer long, we have 20 or more hours of sunlight which is something I absolutely love and miss. 

Every year I tell my husband “Lets celebrate Midsummer in Sweden next year”. Tomorrow it’s my 8th time to celebrate it in America. Midsummer away from Sweden is never the same. Sure, when I do go and celebrate it in Sweden in the future it will not be the same as before either. I’m not a teenager or young adult anymore, I wouldn’t celebrate in the same way. I’m now looking forward to spend this day with family instead of running around trying to figure out who’s having the most fun party lined up. I’ve done that, don’t need more of it.

When I was a kid it was special to stay up all night, go pick daisies or other flowers to make a crown out of, or to try to find 7 different flowers to put under the pillow, or to dance all the silly dances around the maypole or eat strawberry cream cake that my grandma made or just being silly with my sister.

I get emotional the days before and the day of midsummer when I can’t celebrate it in Sweden. This day is about a week before my birthday, the sun doesn’t go down, it’s 6 months away from Christmas. I love this time of the year, always have. The light has always meant a lot to me. It means a lot to all of us Swedish people, because in the winter we never see it, haha.
One day, I will show my husband how it is in Sweden on Midsummer:)

My morning yoga the same day as the photo on top was taken

Today is also International Yoga Day. To be honest, I haven’t done much yoga the past few months. I cancelled my membership at Stamford Yoga because I wasn’t taking enough classes. Just didn’t feel like it. But I have told myself that I will try to do some kind of yoga every day for a month starting Saturday. Doesn’t have to be a full advanced practice, just something that gets my body moving on the mat. We don’t even need to call it yoga for all I care.
But I miss my practice that I had at DNA. I took several Mind Body Dancer Yoga classes per week. A lot of students did this because they thought it would be easy classes to get away with and they didn’t care about the program they were in, they just wanted an US Visa. But, I cared, I put in lots of effort into my practice and I enjoyed it (most of the time) and also, I had spent all my money on these classes so I had to love it, haha. That yoga made sense to me. No other yoga practice has been quite the same. MBDYoga is taught by really professional people who knows what they are talking about, I trust that they won’t ever let their students do stuff they shouldn’t. 

I didn’t do any yoga today. Instead I joined my husband at the gym when he came home from work. Not in the mood at all for that, but I ended up really happy that I went. 40 minutes of pilates with all sort of weights to make it harder. 

Jim is watching Breaking Bad right now and I’m doing stuff in my office. I watched two season of that show and really didn’t like it. Shows about drugs and stuff isn’t really fun to me, it’s just stupid. Anyway. Going back to all my stuff I’m doing.
I hope you had a wonderful Summer day!