Storm King Art Center

It’s about an hour drive from our apartment in Stamford to the southeast part of Cornwall, NY, by Hudson River and Storm King Art Center. We drove on the highway there and the more scenic roads home. When we came there, 20 minutes after they had opened, one parking lot was already full they said but it’s a big park so we didn’t notice it too much to begin with. 

When we had parked, we walked to the museum building. They had some art, photographs and a gift shop inside but nothing special. And then our hike around the park began. There are sculptures far apart from each other so you kinda have to decide if you want to really see it or continue more on a “path”. On their website they say that you should dedicate about two hours to see it properly, and we spent about that time there and I think we got to see a good portion of the art.

After about half of our walk around the park, it had started to fill up with people. Large groups of people had set up picnic, some biked around, some took the little tram, lots of families brought their babies in strollers and so on. Even if it’s a big park, it somehow eventually felt crowded. I’m so happy we came early. When we drove out from the park, there was a long line all the way out on the highway to get in. Those people probably had to wait at least an hour, maybe even two to get in. It’s not worth that. 

It was a cute park and I’m glad we went there. It was an absolute perfect day too. A little cold in the morning and then sunny and super sweaty weather. Neither J or I really enjoy that kind of art though. Art pieces that you can create in kinder garden isn’t really my cup of tea, but others enjoy it and I guess since they are in that huge scale it can be kinda cool. Storm King park is bigger than just the art center and we would love to go there to explore and then take Thor with us (you can’t bring your dog to the art center). The art center is closed during the winter, but you can visit the actual park all year around. And it’s a beautiful drive by Hudson River. 

3EB at Capitol Theater

Last night we took a taxi to Port Chester, NY, to see Third Eye Blind play at the Capitol Theater. No pre-band, just them, which was kinda nice. The place was cute too, had a lot of nice details. They played a lot of old songs that I don’t really know, so I couldn’t sing along much, but we had a great time. Afterwards, we walked over to Village Beer Garden to kill some time (everybody was trying to get taxis at the same time) before we ordered an uber to go home. This was the third time I saw 3EB (plus we saw Stephen Jenkins’s solo thing in the beginning of the year). It’s fun every time. Everybody in the audience sings along which is fun. 

Sunday has been pretty slow. I really want to recover from feeling mushy. We walked over to the mall around lunch time, but we didn’t really find anything we were looking for so we walked to a bar for some food instead. We are just gonna take it easy the rest of today. Watch football, maybe eat dinner if we feel like it and relax. Tomorrow is Columbus Day, we’ll see if that turns into something more exciting:)

Indoor Skydiving

My birthday was six weeks ago. I told you then that my husband took me on a surprise car trip to iFly Indoor Skydiving in Westchester, NY. Let me tell you, this was super fun! 

We were in the second group of the day so we got to see how it works before it was our turn. It’s very simple. Basically you just have to keep your legs and arms out and not look down. It’s very loud from the wind inside the tube so the instructors have a few hand signals for you, like if you need to relax, keep your head up, bend or straighten your legs. Jim was the first one out there. He was awesome right away. And then my turn. Iiiihh!! So much fun! I felt that she let go of me a few times. It helped to understand that activating your center really works, I have dance to thank for that. We had grandparents with their little grandson going in after us. The kid, who was 5, did so well. 

In the basic package you get to go in twice, two minutes each time, and you get to learn to just basically stay in place and figure out how to do it. As a birthday gift from iFly, I got to go up higher the second time, and Jim paid for doing the same thing. The instructor holds on to the side of you, releases her legs from the base and you both go up and down in this tube. The grandmother didn’t wanna fly a second time and the kid first said no but the instructor convinced him that it’s fun to jump on the base of the tube and when they were in there he eventually said he wanted to fly again. Too cute. Since there was a bit more time left for our group, she asked if anyone wanted to go again. I stood up right away. Of course I wanted to go again! Flying is fun!

To finish our group, our instructor got to show off in the tube. It didn’t seem that hard to be honest. I think both Jim and I could figure out how to do tricks in no time (but the cost for the time in the tube is ridiculous). 

This was so worth it! Really fun! I think our next challenge is the actual skydiving:) 

Playland * BIG

Do you remember the movie BIG from 1988? A kid visits a fortune teller machine, Zoltar Speaks, and wishes to be an adult and the next morning he is big (=Tom Hanks). 

On Saturday last week, we drove to where this is filmed, the Playland Park in Rye, NY. We walked around the amusement park for a little bit to start and then walked out to the beach area where the scene with the Zoltar and Hanks was filmed. The Zoltar machine is actually located inside the park these days and there is an ice cream machine where it was placed in the movie. Of course we all took some pictures there:)

We sat down at a Tiki Bar for a little bit and with all the palm trees around us it felt like we were somewhere completely different than NY. Then we just walked around inside the park for a while, my dad and I got our Zoltar fortunes, we had some snacks, I went on a Dino “ride” that never ended:), we played some games and then we drove home. Zoltar told me to get myself a treat cause I only live once (yolo!), haha, so I bought myself a giant cotton candy. Omg, sooo much sugar, I was hyped for an hour and then I completely crashed..but it was fun, I haven’t had one since I was a kid.

This was a fun little trip. The park isn’t that big and it is made for little kids. Not a place I think we ever gonna visit again, but it was fun to have been there once and we like to visit places from movies:)