Hello! We are in Chicago. We arrived Friday afternoon and we are leaving tonight. We are here because our friends Bob and Sarah got married yesterday. Today we are going to baseball.We woke up around 6am today. I wanted to dance by the Bean before too many tourists shows up. It’s very calm in the city that early on a Sunday, not like NYC:) Now I’m sitting by myself having a latte at a cafe. Jim went back to the hotel to sleep a little more. Its nice to be alone sometimes. Kinda wish I had my notebook though, like actual pen and paper, with me, cause now if I have things I want to write down I have to use my phone and I’m trying more and more to not use it every second nothing happens/I get bored. I think it’s a problem in our world now, we turn to our phones every second we can. I have been staring at my coffee and out the windows for a bit now and thought I could take the time to say hi to you guys (from my phone?). Going back to sipping latte now:) Have an awesome day!