Gangen till Hotorget
The walk way to Hotorget

On Saturday it was Stockholm Marathon

It was 9:20pm, cloudy but still light outside for an other hour or so

Fresh crayfish salad at one of Stockholm’s cafees

Half cinnamon bun and tea from Saturnus. A must!

Alltsa, nu ar jag trott pa den har forkylningen. Sover lange pa morgonen och orkar inte gora sa mycket under dagen. Igar kunde jag ju iaf kora in till stan och fixa nytt pass (och fotot ar det fulaste jag nagonsin har sett och jag ar sa langt ner pa det sa jag ser ut som en liten dvarg, men jag orkade inte ta om det, sa det far bli som det blir). Det ar ratt trakigt vader har pa vastkusten, sa pa satt och vis gor det inget att jag mar lite daligt, hahah.
Really, I’m so tired of my cold now. Sleeping longer in the morning and don’t have much energy during the day. Yesterday I could at least drive in to the city and get a new passport (and the photo is the ugliest I have ever seen and I’m so low on it so I look like a little dwarf, but I didn’t care enough to take a new one, so it has to be what it is). It’s pretty boring weather here on the west coast, so in one way it doesn’t really matter that I don’t feel well, hahah.