April 28, 2021
Yup, another not super awesome phone picture, but I wanted a last family-of-three pic before baby:)
1 day til due. Very few babies are born on their due date though, George, my friends baby is the only one I know. Everyone I know here in America have had early babies but everyone else have had late ones. There really is no way to tell when you will have a baby, the baby is in charge. I read a study somewhere that the baby will release a tiny amount of substance to let mothers hormones know it’s time for labor, baby and body both has to be ready. However, here in America you can’t go too long after before they induce you which is sad and quite stressful for the baby. So hubby and I are of course hoping that the process will start on its own. But we’ll see.
I am still doing stuff around the apartment and on my computer, some stuff to keep myself busy, but I am also taking time to just do absolutely nothing. Some moments of the day I just sit and stare out the window… simply because I can:) I feel extremely calm. It almost feels like I’m faking it for myself, it doesn’t feel real to be this calm before a life changing thing like this haha.
My hospital bag has been ready for weeks. I actually started to pack it in January when I packed for our babymoon and then from time to time I go check so that I haven’t forgot anything important. But the hospital apparently has pretty much everything you need so even if I were to forget something they’ll probably have it. I’m bringing a carry-on luggage, J has his backpack and then of course the car seat, that’s it. The backpack has basically nothing in it other than the big camera in it’s bag and my luggage is only 2/3 filled if even that. People seem to bring so much stuff to the hospital but I really don’t feel that I need that much, especially not now during a pandemic. If no complications then I’ll be in and out of there, all we need is going home outfits for us two and the baby, everything else will be provided. I have some travel toiletries, snacks for Jim, camera and phone gear, a robe, a pj, a swaddle, baby outfits in size newborn and 0-3 plus clothes to go home in. I packed clothes, a baby book for foot and hand prints and the big camera in J’s bag. It’s just standing there in the bedroom waiting to go. It’s kinda in the way so I can’t wait to come home from the hospital and be able to store the bags somewhere out of my sight haha.
Looks kinda full here but everything is loosely packed. That camera bag to the left is going into the backpack. The pacifiers have been washed since the photo but not sterilized, not even sure I’m gonna bring them cause A) I’m hoping to never use one and B) the hospital has them I think. Oh, and we are also bringing a plastic bag with chocolate and tea for the nurses and doctors. We don’t know what is allowed to bring them now during corona days so we just picked out treats that is in single packages inside.
I don’t have a lot to tell you these days. Going to the doctor this afternoon for a regular checkup, it’s Thor’s birthday on Saturday and that’s all there is in my calendar. Other than that, I am just a ticking bomb waiting to go off
On Friday once J finished work we drove to Mianus Park and went on a little hike. It was absolutely lovely. Only walked for 30 minutes but that was enough to get my steps for the day.
On Saturday after our breakfast, we drove to Cove Island for a walk. A bit chilly wind but the sun was nice and warm, a real spring day.
J’s job is to take Thor and me for a walk at least once a day and these days I ask him to take a picture every time in case it’s the last bump picture, even when I’m in weird outfits like this haha (it’s all about comfort these days)
Snuggles with my first baby is important. I’m trying to look at him to see if he can give me any signs that we are close to baby’s birthday but Thor is not like other dogs I guess haha:)
I’m gonna miss this coffee table and the kicks that comes with it. Sometimes the kicks are so big that whatever I have on the bump flies out.
Another family photo:)