365 DAYS

February 19, 2020

365 days ago, I heard of partial molar pregnancy for the first time. My doctor didn’t tell us much, just explained to us that the baby had three sets of chromosomes which is called triploidy and that I needed to do blood tests until my hcg level is down to 0. I did my first test that day and the number showed 263 which is a very very low number to start with 3 weeks post pregnancy. Everyone was kinda expecting me to be done within two months. 
10 months of weekly blood tests and 3 monthly, I’m still not cleared. 52 weeks of hope to be able to move on and put this behind me. Earlier this month I did what I really thought would be my last test, cause my doctor had told me in November that I only needed three more months. She called and told me the result (I’m still down) and then told me that I have to do another test in May. That hurt. I was at the gym when she called. After the phone call ended I continued with what I had been doing but five minutes later the tears came. I sat down facing the wall pretending to stretch cause in case someone would walk into the gym they wouldn’t be able to see that I was crying. It took 25 minutes before my face was dry enough to go home. My dog came to meet me and probably sensed that something was wrong. He snuggled me the way he always does and I completely crashed.
It doesn’t matter if it’s next week, next month, in three months or next year, knowing that I have a test coming up is always on the back of my mind and it’s exhausting. It’s hard to deal with knowing that I’m still an active patient at the oncology office and knowing that even if I feel healthy my papers says I’m not. I know that I am healthy, I am ok, but to not be cleared is emotionally tough to handle. I feel trapped in my own body which is a very strange feeling. Most days I feel great but some days a simple thing like taking Thor out for a walk feels like climbing Everest. Sometimes I wish there was an off switch for the brain.
I could probably just say f*ck it and not do my test in May, but I’m also a little scared and I do trust my doctors plus I want to be a good patient.
Everything happens for a reason, maybe I haven’t found or learned what I’m supposed to yet. 

If you or someone you know are going through something like this, feel free to send me a message. I won’t have all the answers, but I will be here for support.
I am not alone and neither are you♥

It’s actually quite hard for me to share my story, it’s hard to show myself this vulnerable. But this past year I have noticed that my story might be of help to others. I had never heard of partial molar pregnancy before and I have still never heard of a mystery case like mine. Google can give you the same info that your doctor tells you, but everything else I have learned about this comes from writing with other women from all over the world. It’s amazing how much support is out there when you need it. I am forever grateful. We are all sitting in the same boat, noone has real answers, we all only have suggestions but most of all we feel compassion and love for those who are going through similar things. Every story is unique and we all suffer through it differently, but we are still women (and partners of women) who has to deal with something that is very hard. 

one year

January 30, 2020

January 30 is a date that I probably will remember for as long as live. For me, a miscarriage meant that things weren’t right and it wasn’t meant to be, and I moved on quicker than I thought I would. But then, well, I don’t have to tell you, you all know that it turned into a loooong shitshow:) When my sister announced her due date this summer, I told her right away that I won’t come, it would be too hard for me, too many bad associations. But when my mystery case started to look brighter this fall, I decided that it would probably be ok, so I booked my flight to come see her because she means too much to me to not come and support.

Last time I was in Sweden, we announced our pregnancy, everyone was happy for our perfect little baby who wasn’t at all perfect. Once we were back in the states, I went in for surgery, I had to say goodbye to a little girl and hello to a long long process of tests, treatments, mysteries and worries. After I booked this trip in December I thought that it would be ok to go here, I felt that I had worked through everything. I had hit zero and everything felt better. But,.. last week, as my trip was approaching, all my feelings went upside down. I’m not sad about the miscarriage, but it’s tough to think about that it’s been 12 months and even if I have finally hit 0, I’m still doing blood tests every month and there’s no guarantee, it is possible that it can come back. I don’t like to dwell on things, I like to look forwards and try to be optimistic, but last week, during the days leading up to my Sweden trip, I couldn’t do anything without having tears coming down my cheeks. I couldn’t explain why, I didn’t quite understand it as I really do feel like I have worked through this story, but maybe this is something that I have to be reminded of for as long as I live, winter trips to Sweden might always be associated with happiness turned into sadness. I don’t know.

Hear me right, I’m having a wonderful time here, time with my family and relatives means a lot to me and to hug my sister and snuggle my new niece is beyond amazing. But, just because everything else is awesome doesn’t mean that you can always just shut down what’s hard. And it can come back when you least expect it, in ways you’ve never experienced before. Even if it seems like my body is healed and I feel healthy, I’ve heard of women who’s numbers suddenly goes back up again, which I’m not really scared of but the thought of not being done is tiring. I’m exhausted actually.

Having to work through these thoughts and feelings, it’s something I’ve come to accept now that I kinda have to do, it’s part of the healing process. Grateful for everyone I have around me, it helps me to get through this♡ 

struggle days

December 5, 2019

Damn, I have fallen out of basically everything. Feels like I barely moved my body since before vacation and my sweet tooth is worse than ever🙈
This morning I got out of bed, did 25 minutes of yoga before taking the dog out. Felt good to be on the mat but my body was so out of place, felt stiff and protested every movement I did.
This winter is hard for me to deal with and my body is responding to my feelings. It’s hard to stay motivated when your own body is going against you. But, that’s how it is sometimes. No need to judge it, just allow it to pass, because it will pass. We can’t always be super power people, sometimes we need to be vulnerable and let our emotions out, feel the damn feelings and be true to ourselves.
A year ago I was excited about absolutely everything. I knew there were risks, but I wasn’t waiting for a miscarriage, we were waiting for a baby, we were planning our future, were excited about our first doctors appointment and all the other stuff that comes with life changing moments. I thought I had worked through all these feelings over the past 10 months since my excitement ended, but on Thanksgiving and when I was decorating the Christmas tree, it all hit me in a way that I didn’t expect.
It’s been 13 months since my pmp story began and I’m not done yet, but I will be done one day and that is something I should direct my thoughts towards. Had another negative test this week so I’m going the right direction😊

Btw, I’m not sad about the miscarriage, people seems to think that I am because I still mention it, but I’m not. It’s important for me to say this. There are many women out there who takes a miscarriage really hard and maybe even blame themselves for it and it can take years or even a lifetime for them to get over it, and that is ok. But I happen to be one of those who accept the true nature of things, I don’t feel sorry for myself and I am not grieving a baby that wasn’t meant to be born, that is waste of time for me, and that is ok as well. It’s the pmp I am struggling with. I don’t know anyone who has been through this before. I talk to women online who is going through this as well, but our stories are still very different and our struggles doesn’t look the same. And to be honest, it’s hard for me to be treated differently, I don’t want pity parties, but I also don’t want people to ignore or not ask how I’m doing cause that is somehow worse, but I would like to ask everyone to be respectful, if you have a question then I’m happy to answer but please don’t talk about my future baby that I may or may not want or tell me to “hang in there”. I understand it can be difficult, but just be careful and choose your words wisely. And this goes for everyone you ever talk to btw. Thanks.

Finally a 0!!!!

November 7, 2019

Two weeks ago my HCG level showed a 2, the first green number I’ve had all year. My doctor wanted me to go in for a new test two weeks later to make sure it stays low.
I went to Quest Diagnostics on Tuesday (Nov 5th). Recently I have received my test results on my QD login before my doctor calls, but she doesn’t know that. Yesterday morning I woke up around 5:30 am and couldn’t fall back to sleep. I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning. I wanted to wait to open my email to see if the result had come back until J was awake getting ready for work. 
He got up an hour later and I threw myself over my phone. Another 2
I was both happy that my level was low but also a bit disappointed cause I really expected (or hoped for) a 0. A 2 is still considered negative (in our state its negative under 5), but I wanted to see that zero to know that I am really ok. My feelings went back and forth…happy and a bit annoyed. Maybe hard for anyone else to understand if you’ve never been through this, but this is feelings I’ve been fighting with every day. 

Around 9 am, my doctor calls me. She was all excited and bubbly. I already knew my result but I pretended to not know. She almost screamed in the phone that “You’re at 2!”. I was confused at first why she was so excited since I had already had this number once before. Then she told me that tests can not show any lower numbers, she has never seen a 0, a 2 is as low as it’ll go.

2 = 0!!!!!!!!

So my last test could have been a zero as well, but I guess she wanted to make sure it stayed that way before she could tell me it’s a 0.
This is the best news I’ve ever heard! This is the news we’ve been waiting to hear for 9 months!! This year has been absolute hell for me and now I’m finally at 0! 

I immediately called my husband. I never ever call him, we always just text each other, but this news was too big, I just had to tell him. “There is no 0, my 2 counts as a 0. I AM AT 0!!”. I was so freaking excited I just kept screaming out that I was at 0, hahaha. 

I am not done yet though. Because I’ve had stubborn numbers and got chemo in May, I have a long way to go still. Going in for my first monthly test in December. But what’s ahead of us is not something I want to think about now, I am only focusing on my zero for now:)
Last night, Jim came home with a bottle of champagne. This 0 is worth celebrating! I have been picturing yesterday, picturing us celebrating since February. Me and my doctors were expecting this celebration happening in April….not 9 months post pregnancy. But our bodies can be of mystery, hcg levels is not something you can do anything about (believe me, I have tried). Sometimes you have to just surrender and let it sort itself out. My story is longer than most but at least I never got cancer and I finally hit 0!

WE ARE SO HAPPY!!!! A small step that means so much to us ♥

November 5; not my last blood test, but hopefully the last one to be nervous about:)

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day

October 15, 2019


Every since I shared our failed pregnancy story openly online, it’s been clear to me how important it is to talk about this. For some reason people don’t talk about miscarriage, infant loss and infertility. I don’t understand why this is taboo subjects, there are so many people dealing with this. I will continue to talk about it because I’ve noticed how much it can help others. Over these past months I’ve been in contact with women that I know and don’t know from all over the world. We are supporting each other. Friends, family and the many many women I now know online has helped me get through this. I am nowhere near done which is something I have to accept, but it would have been so much harder to deal with without the support from everyone else. This is why we need to speak up and talk about this, because it helps. 

1 in 4 women has one or more miscarriage. 1 in 1000 women has a complete molar pregnancy. A partial molar pregnancy is extremely rare and it happens randomly, it’s just bad luck. Do you know how much information there is online about partial molar pregnancies or about hcg levels standing still or about mystery cases like mine? Not much!
Talking to other women who have had the same rare pregnancy helps with not only trying to find out what’s wrong, things I can try to figure it out, but to also understand that all the feelings I have, everyone else is dealing with the exact same thing. I am not alone in this, I am not the only one nervous about the weekly test results, I am not the only one crying for no reason, I am not the only one who doesn’t want people to tip toe around me and treat me differently, I am not the only one who is feeling like shit and struggling at times. We are not many, but the few of us are supporting each other and that has meant so much to me.
The women who contacted me when I started to share this on instagram, who was diagnosed after myself, they are all done now and some are even trying to conceive again (some has probably already succeeded but waiting to share the news), but even if they are done they are still here supporting me going through this weird mystery case and I’m forever grateful for that and I will continue to be of support for them and for all the new women contacting me. This is why it is important to speak out loud about all this. Many couples are going through difficulties when it comes to having a family and noone is alone, we should all be here for each other♥

If You or someone you know is going through something, Please remember that you can always contact me if you need someone to talk to > either on instagram (@fannysura) or fannysura@gmail.com