I felt very pregnant on our trip

Written January 7, 2019, published in February

Oh man, I have been so extremely bloated this weekend in Charleston. We didn’t exactly eat the healthiest meals on this trip and my belly felt and looked like it was going to explode. But it was very cute though. I looked like I was several months pregnant and since we didn’t know anyone there I could just walk around pretend that I’m further along than I am 🙂 

Our first ultrasound!

Written December 31, 2018, published in February 2019

We have seen and heard our baby today!! What a wonderful thing. And the baby danced a little for us ♥ ..or, it wiggled:) So from now on we call the baby Wiggly hahah. It is 1.16 cm and the heartbeat was 170 something. I am not 9 weeks pregnant like we thought, I am 8+1. Our new due date is August 11th
Jim drove to work after our visit and I took an uber back home. Guess if I watched the video Jim took over and over again haha. And we have a little picture of baby now too so I can get reminded that I am actually pregnant. Still not feeling much which I feel super lucky for but of course I have been a little worried for a minute or two every day. But seeing little Wiggly today calms me down a lot. So weird to know that there’s a little human dancing around in my belly ♥
And guess what? It’s just ONE!!!! You have no idea how happy this made me! I have been so worried that it would be two. Maybe there is another one hiding behind Wiggly but if that’s the case then he/she is doing a great job playing hide and seek. This calmed me down too. I have had nightmares about having twins since I was a little kid. Twins are cute and all, but we only want one child and then be done. Jim and I have been saying that since we met. We said that 32 would be a good age for us and we only want one.
Before this visit I have been going back and forth on if it’s a boy or a girl and because of that it worried me that it would be one of each. Some days it would be very strong feelings that it’s a boy and then the next day it feels like it’s definitely a girl, and then it changes every day. But when we came there today I had absolute no thought of twins, I suddenly expected it to be just one. I had told Jim that we have to really ask the Dr and make sure there’s only one in there, but I really had no thought about it today and Jim had to ask, and the Dr confirmed that yes, there’s definitely only one in there. Yay!
Another thing was that I got a feeling it’s a girl. I don’t know if I felt it when we came to the hospital or if it was first when we saw the baby, but I definitely just assumed it was a girl we were looking at. We will not find out so we won’t know until August. We’ll see if I start to feel differently about the gender the further along I am, but for now we both think it’s a girl. 

Happy New Year!

first Doctors appointment

Written December 26, 2018, published in February 2019

We had our first prenatal visit today. I peed in a cup, the nurse asked about family history (not about Jim’s family though..do they usually not care about the guys family history?) and then I got to change in to a gown and wait for the doctor. 
I loved our doctor. Very happy with my choice. And to our surprise, they deliver at the Greenwich Hospital which is the only place I have found that I liked for giving birth, so Yay! 
She checked my breasts, felt belly both outside and from the inside and said “oh ya, you are definitely pregnant”, haha. After a pap smear and maybe other tests (I’m not sure, she did a lot of stuff in there haha) we got to ask her all the questions we had. Then I got dressed and she came back in with a lot of samples for prenatal vitamins. 
And then we could go out and book an appointment for ultrasound!! The ultrasound lady only works Wednesdays and Mondays, so we could book first on Monday. What a fun New Years Eve (I hope). Wohoo! And then we have another appointment with our Dr the 16th which is right before Sweden so that’s good.  

So, we are definitely pregnant 🙂

not eating enough?

Written December 7, 2018, published in February 2019

I am (if you count from first day of last menstruation) 5 + 4 weeks today.

Something that kinda bothers me is that I don’t feel hunger. My belly is very bloated, like all the time, which at times can hurt a little. Because of this I don’t feel hungry, I constantly feel like I just had a five course meal which makes it difficult to eat and I have no taste for anything. My tummy is eventually making hungry noises because I haven’t eaten anything in maybe five or more hours. Food is not on my mind these days, and it worries me a little. I feel so extremely lucky that I don’t throw up (at least not yet) like other women, but I still have the same problem like them that I don’t have enough food to let my little one grow. Our scale is weird so I don’t fully trust it, but according to it I have lost weight so far, not gained.
I do force myself to eat though even if I’m not hungry, but it isn’t the most fun thing to do these days. And for some reason I can’t stand anything salty (I usually love salty food). 

My boobs has gotten pretty sore now. I don’t really notice it during the day but when I’m changing into pjs at night then they really hurt. And I’m not sleeping full nights. That’s not a new thing for me, but it’s every single night now which is annoying.

Other than this, I feel great. 

Second test = still pregnant!

Written December 1, 2018, published February 2019

In the package we bought in August there were two tests. One that will show one or two lines and the other one is digital and will say Not Pregnant or Pregnant (or actually Yes or No). We wanted to wait a few days until we took the digital one. I am well over a week late now so this test should definitely show the right result. 

It’s showed YES+

We are going to start taking weekly pictures from today. I’m not going to show in several weeks but it’s fun anyway. My boobs has definitely started to show though, hahaha. I don’t feel anything, no soreness, but I can’t fit the ladies into my regular bra anymore. And my belly is so bloated. 

Today I’m filming a Christmas decoration vlog. We just got back from the gym where we went for a morning swim to start the day. Going to costco soon and then we are dragging out all the Christmas boxes and the tree to decorate and make our home ready for the holidays. All I want to do now is scream right into the camera and tell everyone that I am pregnant, but we are waiting. I would love to tell family after week 12 but we are going to Sweden before that and with the due date the calculation says I am going to be the end of week 11 when we announce. I guess that’s ok. And I think I want to wait til week 14 to announce to everyone else. In a way I want to tell everyone right now but it’s also kinda nice to have a secret that just Jim and I know about ♥