Nervous for nothing?

May 20, 2019

On Thursday I took the train into Manhattan. I arrived at Grand Central and walked over to Dunkin Donuts on 2nd Ave. I have not been at that dunkin since we lived two blocks away from it back in 2013. On the train ride in I felt a little strange, I figured it was that I needed breakfast so I ordered a bagel with cream cheese and a small decaf coffee cause I was afraid that caffeine would make me feel even more strange. I wanted to sit in the Dag Hammarskjold park but there were some Asian thing going on. Yellow t-shirts, Asians all over the place, people speaking in microphones, a Swedish flag in the middle of the crowd (huh?) and a marching band playing. So instead I walked across the street to a tiny park where J and I have had many breakfasts at before. After awhile the park was filled with mini alcohol bottle drinking men and women and the park smelled like “funny smoke”. I now got a headache so I left. The Swedish Consulate was just around the corner, I was 25 minutes early but I didn’t mind. Getting a new passport was quick and easy. Now I have to wait two weeks and then go back in and pick it up.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was nervous for that appointment if I had to do the treatment and I thought about rescheduling. Nervous for the side effects. It kept me awake every night in Paris. What if I throw up on the train, what if I feel like absolute shit and have to take a photo at the consulate looking like crap, what if I get all the side effects there is and I just can’t get myself to Manhattan what would happen to my passport then? What if, what if, what if… And then the nurse at the ER told me that I probably wouldn’t get any side effect at all and I was more calm on Thursday. So I guess I freaked out for nothing. But I have never had chemotherapy before. Just because I’ve never been allergic to any medicines and stuff in the past doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be affected by the chemo. 

I felt mostly fine and I ended up having an amazing day to myself in the city. After the appointment, I walked up town, got a latte at a Parisian place (I wasn’t ready to let go of Paris yet I guess) and then walked to Central Park. Eventually I found myself a spot on the grass where I could enjoy my coffee and read my book. After a little while I decided to walk through the park to midtown, buy a make-your-own salad and walk down to Bryant Park. I probably looked like a lunatic on Fifth Avenue when I tried to walk close to the wall of the buildings and hide from the sun. It was soooo hot out and the sun was strong, but after the treatment I can’t really be in the sun (my cells was killed so my skin had no protection) so I didn’t want to take my sweater off and I had forgot my sunscreen. Bryant Park was PACKED! People walking in circles trying to find one chair or a spot to sit on. I decided to walk to Grand Central, take the next train back and eat part of the salad on the train instead. I was home by 2pm. 

6:30 am this morning I had another blood test done. Waiting for the results and tomorrow afternoon we have an appointment with our doctor. Hopefully I won’t need another treatment. 

The building inspired by a trashcan 

Ice Skating at Rockefeller

I felt like crap yesterday after barely 4 hours of sleep during the night, so didn’t get much done all day, I was passed out. So no blogging. But  I’m feeling awesome today, so here is our fun Sunday, yay! 

We left the apartment and Thor (who got picked up by our neighbor shortly after), took an uber to train station and was on Manhattan around 10 am. We walked straight over to Rockefeller Center. There was long line to the ice rink but didn’t seem too bad (or so we thought). I have been talking about ice skating at Rockefeller since I came to NYC, since it’s on every list of things to do there. Every year we just kept saying “nah, we do it a different time, it’s too much people here” but now we really wanted to just get it done. Such a cold day and we had to wait 1.5 hour in line. The rink has it open in blocks of 1.5 hours (they need to fix the ice in between) and we got in 20 minutes before they would close it off for half an hour. They allow you to wait during this time and go on again when they open, but we were both cold and hungry so we ended up paying almost $100 to skate for twenty minutes. Oh well.

It was fun. I have not been ice skating since I was about 8-10 years old. I tried to remember if I went to a rink with school when I was like 14-15, it’s possible but I don’t think I was actually on the ice then. It’s amazing to me how the muscles and brain remembers how to do it. And what I mean by that is that I could totally remember that I was making 8’s and skating backwards, doing side steps, trying to do tricks, going really fast and being able to stop when I was a kid. Non of that was possible on Sunday of course. The ice was wobbly (since it was in the end of the session) and you have to be careful and respectful to the other people. So you go pretty slow and try not to fall. Jim’s right blade seemed to make him fall on the outside, he struggled a little, but what to expect, they probably don’t take care of the skates that well there. I thought it was fun though, even if it was just for 20 min. Now we can check that off the NYC bucket list 🙂 

After skating, we walked back to the Grand Central area and ate at the bar we’ve been to many times before, Perfect Pint. I ordered the shrimp salad as always. After lunch, we took the subway down to 23rd. We wanted to check off another thing on the must-do-in-nyc, the Rolf bar. They have crazy decorations in there. We’ve never been cause the line is always insane. It said on google that it wasn’t too busy so we thought we could give it a try. The line was loooong! So, nope. Another thing that tourists like to go to is Gramercy Tavern, an upscale fancy pants place. Not sure why that’s a huge thing but apparently it is. Luckily we got seats in the bar which was what we wanted. Jim wanted to order a beer for $22 (rated the best beer in the world, he has only tried it once before, it’s really hard to find) but unfortunately they didn’t have it which we expected so he had to pick something else. I ordered a hot chocolate with a giant marshmello to keep warm. 

We continued and walked to Flatiron and Madison Sq Park and from there we decided to go for a walk all the way up to Grand Central. At GC I quickly ran into the Swatch store to change battery on my watch. Free lifetime battery change, can’t beat that. We then walked over to 44th and 3rd to the Wheeltapper, cause they have a fireplace. They didn’t have it on, bummer. I was so cold so I ordered tea. We sat there for awhile until we decided to take the train home. We picked up Thor, ordered Chinese takeout and watched the Bears game. 

We had a lovely (but cold) day on Manhattan. Lots of people but not too crazy like it usually is around Christmas (I don’t understand why people come visit NYC in the winter). I’m happy we could check off from our NYC list. We don’t have that much left but we have to get it done this spring. 

a cold xmas day on Manhattan

We came home about an hour ago from a long day on Manhattan. We left at 8:40 am and came back around 7 pm. A very cold day in NYC and of course lots of people like every Christmas season. We had a really great day. Frozen but happy day. I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow. Right now I’m going to do absolutely nothing on the couch next to Jim who’s watching the Bears game.

First frozen ground in Stamford this morning at 6:30am
Rockefeller Center“Fanny” 🙂 Flatiron BuildingEmpire State Building seen from 23rd Street


We had so much fun last night! I really relived my excitement for this concert from when I was in high school:)

We didn’t come in to Manhattan until about 6:30pm and we needed to go eat before the concert. We picked one of Wolfgangs (a favorite of ours) new locations that was on the way to Radio City Music Hall from Grand Central. At first we just wanted to order some starters but we both realized we were pretty hungry so we went all in on a fancy pants dinner. Might not look like much, but my salmon was like $30 and Jim’s steak was $45. Good thing we were hungry and basically finished our meals, since we couldn’t bring any food with us. Closer to 8, we walked over to Radio City. When we came in, Big Boi had already started. I don’t care much for that kind of music, but some of the old OutKast songs are ok I guess. 

5 minutes before the show, everyone in the audience right in front of us started screaming and taking pictures. We had no idea what was going on. I thought for a sec that maybe Christina would start the show in an audience seat cause I saw a blonde woman. But after a minute, everyone were back in their seats ready for the show. I read this morning that it was Bill and Hillary Clinton in company with Huma Abedin

Christina Aguilera was amazing as always! Her voice, o.m.g!! She must have had a cold or tired voice last night, cause towards the end she seemed to have troubles with it.
The show was kinda whatever. The music choices and the order of it was fine, but the choreography looked like it was created an hour before the first show and the dancers were pretty terrible (in my opinion). Overall, it looked kinda crappy to be honest. The outfits wasn’t great either. Christina looks amazing no matter what shape or size she’s in, but those outfits did not make her look good. But who cares, she’s just too damn cute anyway. 

Last nights show had a surprise of Lil Kim coming in during Lady Marmalade. When she came in, J and I looked at each other with a ? in our faces. I did not recognize her, she is a very plastic person now. But so much fun! I love when artist bring in their friends to sing like that:) 
One song was a duet with The Great Big World’s Ian Axel on piano. So beautiful! 
Towards the end, a gay couple was up on stage proposing. Cute. 
In the very end there had been a tall woman dancing her ass off on stage. I completely missed this cause I was busy sneaking further to the front, I just thought it was a backup singer, but Jim asked me after who it was. I read that it was Carmen Carrera. No idea what she’s famous for other than being a trans woman. But she looked amazing. 

What a great night! I had so much fun! My throat is sore from all the sing along last night (and because I now probably got J’s cold that he was home from work for on Tuesday). I’m so tired today though. We didn’t come home until closer to 1am and we woke up at 7 this morning. I feel kinda hungover even though I didn’t drink, haha.
I only had my phone to take photos with (my canon is too big to be allowed at events like this) and I don’t think many photos looks particularly great, but I will look it over and maybe there are a few more pics to show you from last night. 

Have an awesome day!