New York Coffee Festival

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On Sunday, we went to the New York Coffee Festival. Hours of coffee, coffee and more coffee. Our hands were shaking when we left, haha. Coffee places from around NY and Brooklyn gave out samples of their coffees. Hot, cold, flavored, spiced, espressos and everything else you can think of. They had latte art competitions, barista interviews and live music too. It was nice to just walk around and sip coffee.
I was kinda hoping people would talk about their products and special things to promote why people should visit their coffee shop or whatever, but too many times it was just more awkward silence until my husband or I asked questions, which kinda ends after “what country is the coffee from”. I love coffee and I have a barista certificate, but that doesn’t mean I have questions to every single coffee shop. They should work on their promoting skills. But other than that, I had a lot of fun. I even ended up with two books and a box of tea coffee. 

I sondags var vi pa the New York Coffee Festival. Timmar av kaffe, kaffe och mer kaffe. Vara hander skakade nar vi gick darifran, haha. Kaffestallen fran NY och Brooklyn gav ut prov av deras kaffe. Varmt, kallt, smaksatt, kryddat, espressos och allt annat du kan tanka dig. De hade latte konst tavlingar, barista intervjuer och live musik ocksa. Det var trevligt att bara ga rund och sippa pa kaffe. 
Jag hoppades dock att folk skulle prata om sina produkter och special grejer for att promota varfor folk borde besoka deras kaffestalle eller liknande, men alldeles for manga ganger var det mer bara obekvam tystnad tills min man eller jag stallde fragor, vilket typ slutar efter “vilket land kommer kaffet ifran”. Jag alskar kaffe och jag har ett barista certifikat, men det betyder ju inte att jag har fragor till varje kaffestalle. De borde jobba pa deras promoting skills. Men annars, jag hade valdigt roligt. Jag kopte t.o.m tva bocker och en box med te kaffe. 

Caffe Reggio

caffe-reggio_01 caffe-reggio_cappuccino caffe-reggio_05 caffe-reggio_02 caffe-reggio_04 caffe-reggio_03Caffe Reggio is proud to be the first caffe
in the United States to serve Cappuccino”

I found out online that there is a cafe in Greenwich Village that has been there since 1927. Domenico Parisi brought the cappuccino to America and they still have the espresso machine, from 1902, at the cafe today (not in use of course, but still pretty cool). The cappuccino wasn’t the best I’ve ever had, but good enough and the lunch sandwich that I ordered was great. This is a small place with tables very close to each other, but still a cozy feel to it and it really does feel old with all the art work in the room. I tried to picture how it was to sit at this cafe and sip a cappuccino back in the old days. 

A coffee lover like me loves to visit places like this. New York is relatively a new city but there is plenty of interesting history and a lot is kept. New York City is definitely one of the coolest cities to discover.

Jag hittade online att det finns ett cafe i Greenwich Village som har funnits dar sedan 1927. Domenico Parisi presenterade cappuccino for Amerika och de har fortfarande espresso maskinen, fran 1902, kvar pa cafet idag (inte i bruk saklart, men anda ratt coolt). Cappuccinon var inte den basta jag smakat, men tillrakligt god och lunchmackan som jag bestallde var god. Det har ar ett litet stalle med bord ratt nara varandra, men anda ratt mysig kansla och det kanns verkligen gammalt med all konst i rummet. Jag forsokte forestalla mig hur det var att sitta dar pa detta cafe och smutta pa en cappuccino pa den gamla tiden.

En kaffealskare som jag alskar att besoka stallen som detta. New York ar relativt en ny stad men det finns en hel del intressant historia och mycket ar bevarat. New York City ar definitivt en av de coolaste staderna att upptacka. 

The Place

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Yesterday we walked up to West Village. We were looking for a place with an outdoor seating to have lunch at and we found The Place. They are recommended by Zagat, Michelin and TripAdvisor, so we did not expect anything less than amazing food. I ordered the avocado toast and added bacon and Jim got the pancakes. Both were very very good. A cute place and not a crazy expensive brunch. 

Chocolate balls with dates


Yesterday I tried to make chocolate balls in a new way. I found a recipe online. I didn’t have coconut oil at home so I used butter instead and I also added chia seeds. 

Igar provade jag att gora chokladbollar pa ett nytt satt. Jag hittade ett recept pa natet. Jag hade ingen kokosolja hemma sa jag tog smor istallet och jag la ocksa till chicafron. 

½ dl dates / ½ dl dadlar 
½ dl oats / ½ dl havregryn
1,5 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa / 1,5 matsked osotad kakao
1 tbsp coconut flakes / 1 matsked kokosflingor
1 tbsp chia seeds / 1 matsked chicafron
½-1 tbsp butter / ½-1 matsked smor 
2-3 teaspoons cold coffee / 2-3 teskedar kallt kaffe 

Mix oats, cocoa, chia seeds and coconut flakes. I chopped the dates to small pieces and added it to the mix along with the butter. Add as much coffee as you need to make it easier to work with. Roll it into balls, about 4 normal size or 8 tiny ones like I did. Roll them in coconut flakes and put them in the freezer. Serve with a nice cup of coffee or tea. 
This is very easy to make and it is perfect for your sweet tooth in the afternoon. They taste really good and there is no sugar added. I felt that 4 small ones was enough, so I have 4 more for todays afternoon “Fika” break 🙂

Mixa havregryn, kakao, chiafron och kokosflingor. Jag hackade dadlarna till sma bitar och la till det i mixen tillsammans med smor. Tillsatt sa mycket kaffe som du behover for att gora det lattare att arbeta med. Rulla till bollar, ungefar 4 normal storlek eller 8 sma som jag gjorde. Rulla dem i kokos flingor och lagg in dem i frysen. Servera med en god kopp kaffe eller te. 
Det ar valdigt enkelt att gora och det ar perfekt for din sweet tooth pa eftermiddagen. De ar riktigt goda och de har inget tillsatt socker. Jag kande att 4 sma var tillrakligt, sa jag har 4 till for dagens eftermiddags Fika paus 🙂


barbacon_entrance barbacon-bakonbarbacon_omelette-burger

Vi letade efter ett stalle att ata lunch pa nar vi var i Midtown igar. Vi gick forbi ett stalle vid namn BarBacon. Sjalvklart var vi tvugna att ga in. Bacon heaven!! Vi bada bestallde in lite mer av vanlig brunch mat som var sa otroligt gott och jag gar garna dit igen for att prova alla de andra mer intressanta sakerna de hade pa menyn. Det var en typisk sportsbar, valdigt trevlig personal och saklart massor med bacon. De hade t.o.m bacon vodka (vi fick smakprov och det smakade ruttet piss men som det ar bra for deras bloody mary’s med bacon i). Absolut ett stalle att rekommendera om ni ska ata i Hell’s Kitchen.

We were looking for a place to eat lunch at when we were in Midtown yesterday. We walked by a place called BarBacon. Of course we had to walk in. Bacon heaven!! We both ordered a little bit more of normal brunch food that was incredibly tasty and I would love to go back and try all the other more interesting stuff they had on the menu. It was a typical sportsbar, very nice staff and of course lots of bacon. They even had bacon vodka (we got a sample and it tasted like rotten pee but it’s good for their bloody mary’s with bacon in). Absolutely a place to recommend if you’re gonna eat in Hell’s Kitchen.
