Are you scanning those who you meet?

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Hej pa er! Det ar fint vader idag. Kallt, men uppfriskande. Jag borjade med en lang promenad med Thor vilket blev en underbar start pa dagen. Nu dricker jag kaffe och vantar pa att tvatten ska bli klar.
Nagot jag har tankt pa ar hur Thor gillar alla hundar och alla manniskor (tills motsatsen visas med tex. ett hogt skall eller liknande). Han vill saga hej till alla. Imorse traffade vi en man och hans hund. Vi har traffat dem forut och T och hunden har nosat pa varandra. Mannen ar japansk och verkar inte kunna engelska och jag tror inte ens han kan prata riktigt och hunden har hoftproblem med en sele fram och en sele bak. Thor har inga tankar pa att den har hunden ar annorlunda, han ar lika glad att saga hej. Mannen skiner upp som en sol. Jag forsoker halla lite tightare i T just for att han har lite mer energi an den andra hunden men jag drar inte T darifran for jag marker att mannen blir glad av att hans hund far traffa en annan hund. Kanske det inte hander sa ofta?
Som manniskor scannar vi alla. Vi stannar inte och pratar med alla, vi gar forbi nagon som ser konstig ut och vi ignorerar mycket som hander runt omkring. Tank sa manga vi ignorerar som kanske ar jattetrevliga. Vi scannar aven de hemlosa. Tyvarr ar det ju manga som “jobbar” som hemlos/tiggerska at andra som ager dem och att bidra till det kanns inte ratt. Men de som faktiskt behover hjalp, vi borde ju inte ignorera dem, eller hur? 
Lite djupa tankar sahar pa sondag morgon, men jag tycker att det ar viktigt. Nar vi jobbade med de underbara skadespelarna med autism forra sommaren marktes det att hastarna inte brydde sig om ifall nagon hade autism eller inte. Djur marker av nar nagot skiljer sig, men valjer att ta varje person som han/hon ar vilket jag tycker ar helt fantastiskt. Thor moter alla likadant. Han lar sig mer och mer att lasa av ifall en hund eller dess agare inte vill stanna och socialisera, men han provar garna med nyfikenhet att saga hej. Vi borde kanske lara oss mer av det. Vi behover inte stanna alla manniskor vi moter pa gatan, det skulle ju ta evigheter att komma nagonstans da, men vi bor inte scanna de vi moter och ha forutfattade meningar kring nagon vi inte kanner. Vi bor mota alla neutralt och med ett oppet sinne. 

Hi guys! It’s nice weather today. Cold, but refreshing. I started with a long walk with Thor, which was a wonderful start to the day. Now I’m drinking coffee waiting for the laundry to finish.
Something I’ve been thinking about is how Thor likes all dogs and all people (until the opposite shows for example a loud barking or similar). He wants to say hello to everyone. This morning we met a man and his dog. We’ve met them before and T and the dog have sniffed at each other. The man is Japanese and does not know English and I don’t think he even can talk properly and the dog has hip problems with one harness in the front and one back. Thor has no thoughts of that this dog is different, he is just as happy to say hello. The man brightens up like the sun. I try to keep T a little tighter in just because he has a little more energy than the other dog but I don’t drag T away from there cause I notice that the man is happy that his dog gets to meet another dog. Maybe that doesn’t happen very often?
As humans, we scan everybody. We don’t stop and talk to everyone, we walk past someone who looks funny and we ignore a lot that happens around us. Just think how many we ignore that perhaps are really nice. We also scan the homeless. Unfortunately, there is people who “work” as homeless/beggars to others who owns them and to contribute to that doesn’t feel right. But, those who actually need help, we shouldn’t ignore them, right?
Some deep thoughts here on Sunday morning, but I think it is important. When we worked with the wonderful actors with autism last summer, it showed that the horses didn’t care if someone had autism or not. Animals notice when something is different, but choose to take each person as he/she is, which I think is absolutely amazing. Thor meets everybody the same way. He learns more and more to read if a dog or its owner doesn’t want to stay and socialize, but he is keen to try with curiosity to say hello. We should perhaps learn more from that. We don’t need to stop all the people we meet on the street, it would take forever to get somewhere then, but we shouldn’t scan those we meet and have preconceived ideas about someone we don’t know. We should face everyone by being neutral and with an open mind.

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