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Efter en lang promenad pa Lower Manhattan tidigare idag gick vi forbi ett stalle som jag gar forbi nastan varje dag, ett stalle som alltid ser sa intressant ut. Killen utanfor bjod in oss for att se en installation och berattade att det var en del av en dansforestallning i samarbete med Joyce.
Ikvall gick vi forst till Wolfgangs och at det vanliga, ostron bacon och sparris, mums. Sen vidare ner till dar vi hade vart weddingparty i oktober forra aret. Saklart gick vi sen vidare ner mot varat omrade och forsokte fa biljetter till kvallens forestallning pa 3LD (Jim var faktiskt mer nyfiken an mig, haha). Jag gillade det starkt. Det ar precis det som jag alskar att se pa scen. Da menar jag rorelserna. Sjalva visual effects var coolare under dagen utan dansare. Men mycket bra over all maste jag saga. Kolla garna upp Zoe/Juniper sa far ni ett hum om vad vi sag ikvall.
Nu ar vi supertrotta. Godnatt!!

After a long walk on Lower Manhattan earlier today, we walked by a place I walk by almost every day, a place that always looks so interesting. The guy outside invited us in to see an installation and told us it was a part of a dance performance in collaboration with the Joyce. 
Tonight we first went to Wolfgangs and ate the usual, oysters bacon and asparagus, yummy. Then down to the bar where we had our weddingparty in october last year. Of course, later, we walked down to our neighborhood and tried to get tickets for tonights show at 3LD (Jim was actually more curious than me, haha). I really liked it. It’s just what I love to see on stage. And then I mean the movements. The actual visual effects was more cool during the day without dancers. But really good over all, I have to say. Look up Zoe/Juniper and you’ll get an idea of what we saw tonight. 
Now we are tired. Good night!!

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