Time difference reveals the gold

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Nu har vi precis sett damernas stafett pa tv’n. Jag har inte foljt OS i ar, jag foljer visserligen aldrig vinter OS (sporter i sno ar sjukt trakigt, man borde aka skidor i oken istallet), men idag har vi haft tv’n pa i bakgrunden till var eftermiddags fika. Dock hade ju hela facebook redan avslojat alla spannade nyheter (tack for det) men det var anda kul att se nagon med sa mycket glod for att ta hem guldet till Sverige.
Jag kommer nog inte folja mycket mer av OS. Blir val mer av hockey dock eftersom jag har en intresserad make (som idag kopte ytterligare en hockeytroja till samlingen). Framover om jag kanner for att kolla pa OS sa kommer jag inte att logga in pa facebook/kolla svenska nyhetssidor. Vi har 6 timmars tidsskillnad till Sverige, och vad ar det till Sochi, Ryssland? 9, va? Sa vi ser det ju inte live. Trakigt att fa veta innan.

Nu har jag mordat mina magmuskler, triceps, biceps och “hangt over” mina ben a la Klein ett bra tag. Kanns skont efter dagens fika 😀

We have just seen the women’s cross-county on tv. I haven’t followed the Olympics this year, I actually never follow the winter Olympics (sports in snow are boring, they should ski in the desert instead), but today we had the tv on in the background for our afternoon ‘fika’. However, the whole facebook had already revealed all the exciting news (thanks for that) but it was fun anyway to see someone with so much competitive spirit for taking home the gold for Sweden.
I will probably not follow much more of the Olympics. It will most likely be some more hockey, since I have an interested husband (who today bought another hockey jersey to the collection). In the future if I wanna watch the Olympics I will not log on to facebook/check Swedish news sites. We have a 6 hour time difference to Sweden, and what is it to Sochi, Russia? 9, right? So we don’t watch it live. Boring to know before.
Now I have murdered my abs, triceps, biceps and “hung over” my legs a la Klein for a while. Felt really great after today’s ‘fika’ 😀

IMG_20140215_150521_2Got a ‘cookie dough donut’ from dunkin donuts


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