Roadtrip to South Carolina

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January 29, 2021

I took this photo of Thor last night. My beautiful boy 

Hello from the bungalow! We are having a great time here! Jim is working today (again), he has some phone call now at 10:30am and it’s one of those that will probably take a few hours, so I’m entertaining myself here. Just came back from getting us coffees at the cafe a few minutes from here. So, I thought I would take today to update more here:) It’s also pretty cold outside, only 45°F outside, so staying in doesn’t sound too bad:) 

So the last thing I updated about was the roadtrip down to Virginia Beach. The roadtrip continued the next day. We checked out from the hotel right before 8am. Thor freaked out for about 15 minutes, then he wanted to go down to his “house” (his carrier) and then he slept for about three hours! At that time we all had to make a quick potty break, somewhere in North Carolina. And then back on the road and T slept for another couple of hours. He must have been really tired from the day before. We stopped again to get something to eat. T went back to sleep after that until we got closer to the island. We arrived at the house in South Carolina around 3:45pm. Wow, this area is cute!
First thing, I wiped the whole house with disinfect wipes, then sprayed with disinfect room spray on all the furniture, put all extra pillows on the guest bed and put a purple sheet that I brought over the couch. Since I didn’t know how the couch would be like I figured it was smart to bring something to cover it with, and I’m glad I did. The couch looks clean-ish, but for my piece of mind (my germophobic mind) the sheet helps. I hate pillows, covers and stuff at hotels too, I think it’s nasty, so I always throw it all on the floor when we go somewhere. 

After wiping and wiping the house and Jim carrying all our stuff inside from the car, I changed into different clothes and we went for a walk in the neighborhood.
Before our trip I turned to google to find articles and pictures, I search on pinterest and youtube to see how it looked like here and I found lots of crappy pictures of beaches and bushes, kinda. But the only pictures of for example palm trees I found was by the resorts here and even that didn’t look that nice, but I thought, oh well, at least the pictures of the house and the view of the water we’ll have will be nice and the reason for the trip is to relax and enjoy each others company. When we entered this island we both were kinda in shock how pretty it is here. And palm trees everywhere!! The little community that we are staying in and especially the street leading to the house is absolutely gorgeous! So peaceful and so beautiful. And the bungalow is just as nice as the pictures showed. I am so happy I randomly found this place and that hubby said ok, we could not have picked anything better. It’s private, cute, quiet, roomy, clean with a stunning view. We have even seen dolphins from looking out the windows here! 

So, we went for a walk. The first person we walk by, a runner, was speaking Swedish to someone in her headphones. Of course there are Swedish people here, they are everywhere, even during a pandemic (ok, I shouldn’t say anything, I am swedish too hahah). We walked over to the little shopping area by a lighthouse. We walked around, found an ice cream shop and I got myself a mint chocolate ice cream cone (I normally don’t like ice cream that much but I have been eating a lot more of it during this pregnancy and I love mint and chocolate anything these days). We walked back to the house and just relaxed on the couch all night. 

(btw, I am on purpose not telling where we are until after our trip)

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