Greenwich and hiking with Thor

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We needed to get an oil change on our car, so we drove to Greenwich. They told us it would take 1-1.5 hour so we decided to go for lunch at the place we always go to when in that city, Elm Street Oyster House (took my parents there last year and my mom ate her first oyster). It’s small and cute. We always sit in the bar and usually just order oysters and old bay fries, a pretty easy lunch. 

When the car was done, we drove home to grab Thor to go hiking at the Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens (went there once last summer). It’s a smaller hike which is good for Thor when it’s this hot outside. It wasn’t actually that hot in the forest because of all the trees which was great. 

Our plans for the evening changed due to potential Thunderstorms. We ended up going to a sushi place on Summer Street instead. We’ve been there a few times before. They have nice sushi and the place is very popular. Not much more exciting happening for the rest of the evening. Today has been pretty relaxed. Gonna go to the rooftop of our building now and play pool for a little bit and then maybe watch Breaking Bad or something before we end this weekend.

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