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Good Morning and Happy Monday!

Mondays used to be my favorite day of the week. I would jump out of bed all excited to start a new week. For a couple of years now, it’s been the opposite. I would get really sad that the weekend was coming to an end. But I decided that I want that wonderful Monday feeling back that I used to have. So, for awhile now, I have been trying to shift my way of thinking around this day and it seems to be working 😀

Starting my new week with a cup of coffee (or three?), a good breakfast (today: coconut yogurt with yummy toppings) and a notebook. I take my time to write down a to-do list for the week (all the small boring tasks that I can’t escape) and then I look at my already existing list of things that I want to accomplish in my life. This gets me excited. Now I’m ready to start the week?

Are you excited about Mondays or do you dread them? Why or why not? I am actually interested to know, so go ahead and share your thoughts in the comments. Have an awesome week!!

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