Thor and I yesterday
Getting things done this week. This morning I had an appointment to x-ray my knees. I was done 4 minutes after my scheduled appt, I appreciate that:) Tomorrow I’m going to get my vitamin level tested or something, I don’t even know, it’s just some normal routine check that my doctor who looked at my knees told me I have to do. Jim did it a year or two ago. I just called the orthodontics office and made an appointment for Thursday to get my retainer fixed, cause apparently one part on my upper teeth is loose (my dentist told me to go get it fixed almost a year ago and I haven’t been yet,..oops).
Today we are getting our car back from having it repaired from Jim’s accident (we were supposed to get it back weeks ago but it was more damaged than we thought). At some point this week I have to go and get a beach pass for the car as well. In Stamford you need a parking pass for all public beaches, which seems stupid but whatever. I’m also waiting for our building to do some yearly inspection of the apartment today or tomorrow. Since I don’t want Thor to freak out too much or run away or something when they come, I want to be with him, so I have been waiting all day for nothing. The test tomorrow might be quick, but I read that they have long waiting even when you have an appointment. So, we’ll see, Thor might have to be alone for awhile.
It’s not much, but it feels good to get sh*t done the week before I start a new year. Iiiihhh, it’s my birthday on Monday! (have I mentioned that I love birthdays 😉 ) We haven’t made any plans this weekend to celebrate, but I have something I want to do on Monday. Just need a dog sitter and a bit of courage:)
Update: Doctor just called me about my knees. There’s no real issue there. There seems to be something small in one knee and if I have pain I can eat a bunch of painkillers for a week (I hate pills, so…no). I tried to ask him more questions but he wanted to hang up. So we’ll see what happens next. But, that’s good news that there is no real problems. Yay!
We found a new path to one of the parks near us
Thor is very handsome in his new haircut ♥