Do Yoga, Drink Coffee

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I just came back home from a morning yoga class and I bought I coffee from Lorca near the studio on my way home.
There is one spot on my left side between my shoulder blades that has been making me wake up at night every time I turn a different direction for several nights now. This is effecting the whole left side of my body. Tight in my neck, hip is sore and my left knee hurts. I’ve been taking it easy on the upper body all weekend and tried to stretch and loosen up other body parts. Taking a yoga class today felt great. I had to modify some things but moving felt better than skipping going there at all.
Since it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day today, my husband is off work. It’s nice to have him home for another extra day. Sure, we are going on vacation soon and will spend a lot of time together, but I never get tired of just having him around:) We are going to see a movie later and tonight I’m teaching at the gym.
Have an awesome week! 

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