Bulldozed by a masseuse

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Good Morning! Oh man, I am sore today! Between my shoulder blades it feels like I got rolled over by a bulldozer. Could barely sleep cause I could not move from side to side, kinda like when your skin is sunburned. 
Yesterday I went to a yoga class. I have been there much lately for whatever reason, and it felt awesome to come back and really work on my body. We worked on alignments between feet and knees, something that is basic in dance but still a good reminder. I see way too many people, in studio or elsewhere, that I want to tell them to think about their knees. Watching basketball can sometimes be really painful to me. 
In the afternoon, I spent an hour in my “funny room” (I still don’t know what to call my workout room upstairs. Suggestions?) doing pilates and some balances. Felt pretty good, but I am weak and I really miss my strong dance body now.
When J finished work, we drove to a massage place we haven’t tried before. I repeated that I only wanted upper body, no legs, and I kept my leggings and socks on to stay warm. But I still got legs. Not as much as J probably that had a full body massage, but still. Anyway. She went bananas on my neck and between shoulder blades though. I love when it’s really hard and I knew I was tight and needed it, so I absolutely loved it while it happened and she was probably the first person who did everything evenly on both sides which I appreciate. But hello muscle pain today. Seriously, I am so sore! Feels like I’m bruised from the waist up. It’s probably a combination of yoga, pilates and daily things mixed with the massage, but this lady killed my body for sure. This body has some recovery to do today. 

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