Busy Saturday

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Hi my friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I wasn’t feeling too awesome yesterday and the day just flew right by, so I’ll update you guys on our weekend today instead:)
We were pretty busy on Saturday. Early in the morning, we bought coffee and then went on a mini road trip (according to my husband, any drive over an hour can be called a road trip, haha). We drove to the southeast part of Cornwall, NY, by Hudson River, to visit the Storm King Art Center. It’s a huge park with large scale sculptures. 
In the afternoon, I finished the making of my costume and then began my make-up project for the evening. We had tickets for the yearly Half Full Brewery Halloween Party. I think our costumes came out pretty awesome. 
On Sunday, we had brunch at a diner nearby, Jim and Thor watched football down in the common area in our building, we had dinner at Lucky’s (wanted to sit outside but there were too many bees) and then we watched the movie Dead Poets Society. Not much interesting, just a whatever Sunday:) 
The weather was awesome all weekend. Cold in the morning and then super warm in the afternoon. I had a jacket on when we came to the park on Saturday and then ended up sweating in a thin top. Love it!

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