I mandags fick jag hora om snoflingor som var formade till riktigt fina stjarnor. Jag sag nagra pa min jacka da, men hade inte kamera/mobil med mig. Igar snoade det igen och Thor’s pals blev helt full av tjocka vackra stjarnor. Hade ju inte kamera da heller Under en senare promenad kollade jag efter dem men flingorna hade fatt en annan form, men jag lyckades iaf fanga nagon pa bild, men tyvarr ingen bra pa en perfekt stjarna. Men aja.
Jag gillar att ta tid och njuta av vad var vackra varld har att erbjuda. Jag tror inte sa manga pa Manhattan tar sig tid att faktiskt stanna upp och se vad som finns omkring en. Man springer mellan stallen och alla fungerar som maskiner eller robotar. Man tar yoga klasser for att “koppla av” en stund och tror att det ska hjalpa innan man springer till nasta stalle. Men kanske behover man ocksa faktiskt bara satta sig pa en bank och ta in vad staden erbjuder?
On Monday I got to hear about snowflakes that was shaped to real nice stars. I saw some on my jacket then, but I didn’t have a camera/phone then. Yesterday it snowed again and Thor’s fur got full of thick beautiful stars. Had no camera then either During a later walk I looked for them but them but the flakes had got a different shape, but I succeeded to catch some on pictures, but unfortunately no good on a perfect star. But, oh well.
I like to take time and enjoy what our beautiful world has to offer. I don’t think many on Manhattan takes time to actually stop and look what around them. You run between places and everybody works like machines or robots. You take yoga to “relax” for a while and think that will help before you run to the next place. But maybe you also need to just sit down on a bench and take in what the city has to offer?