September 10, 2022
Our little talking monkey is 16 months old now
She doesn’t walk anymore, she runs. She is also surprisingly good at soccer, hits the ball every time, sometimes even without looking. I can find her in the middle of a room practicing getting up on her tippy toes and her whole body is involved in this one move which is very cute. She loves to read books and phones, calculators and remotes are her favorite toys and she ‘calls’ everyone on them all day long. She loves pasta pesto, squash soup, all kinds of berries and fruit but no longer like avocado which used to be her favorite. I often see her clean our house or her toys with a rag, she puts things where they belong and she is always making sure that all her many soft friends gets to taste her pretend food. She can say several words both spoken and in sign language, make animal sounds and she understands far more than I ever expected. She is very polite and says “tack” (thank you) after every meal or when we give her something. She is desperately trying to play fetch with Thor but he is still not a fan of hers, but sometimes gives her a foot massage anyways. She loves the outdoors so I’m sure she misses our days outside in Sweden (its currently very hot and humid in Florida which makes it hard to stay out for long). She applause herself whenever she figures something out and I swear I have heard her say “I did it” along with it a few times. She is teething, growing and likes to test us. Her favorite words seems to be No and Bye