Lily is 3 months old

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August 9, 2021

Lily is 3 months and one day old today. It has now also been a whole year since our journey together began 🙂

Sorry if my website didn’t work for a few days. Jimmy was working on it last week and I haven’t had time to log in to find out that it didn’t work. But it should be fixed now. 

Three months with our Lilliput ♥ It really seems like she arrived in this world just last week. But then when I think about all the stuff she has already learned then I feel like she’s been here for years already. Sometimes I forget that she is a brand new baby, just like I still forget that Thor is a dog and not a human hahah. She seems so wise somehow. When she “talks” to me I feel like she is telling me about the discoveries she has done and I happen to not speak her language so I can’t understand her. She did however say the word “okey” last week haha, and it was an answer to what Jim said:)
Lily is still a very easy baby. Ok yes, she is very needy in that when she doesn’t feel like playing or eating then she wants you to hold her and walk around – you are not allowed to sit down or to be standing still hahah, but all the hugs and snuggles are kinda nice. She doesn’t nap much during the day but like I’ve said before, as long as she sleeps through the night then we don’t care. She is the cutest and a very happy baby. She might look a little grumpy at times but she got that from my side of the family hahah, that’s just how we look. 

Picture of Lily one month old

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