August 16, 2021
We had a lovely weekend. Temperatures were finally down in the morning (around 6am) so we went for a nice long walk. Other than that we were busy turning our house into a home
There’s no life in Florida without storms. Today we got hit by the tropical storm “Fred“. It was first supposed to come near us this weekend, then they said it wasn’t coming our way at all, then we heard maybe Tuesday and this morning they said it would hit us directly in the afternoon.
Around 3pm, the four of us went to the master bedroom to hang out in our bed during the storm. It’s been raining since sometime in the middle of the night so the backyard already looked like a waterpark (so now we don’t have to build a pool hahah) we were just waiting for the wind to come as well. The wind got stronger and stronger and all the trees were basically standing sideways. Every other minute we lost power in the house but it came back again pretty quickly each time. But, Fred did miss us by just a little thank goodness. So we survived our first tropical storm:)
This was not so bad. A week or so ago we had a really bad thunderstorm with lightnings all around the house and thunders so loud and close that it made windows shake. All the lights in our house was turned off but they were still flickering. The power went out a couple of times as well. A neighbors house got hit by a lightning and some houses lost power completely. It was a little scary to be honest (I am also afraid of fires so I was a bit extra scared).
We haven’t got ourselves prepared for hurricanes, so as soon as possible now we have to get things we need for the house and survival if something would happen. We need a fire extinguisher, shutters for the windows and an evacuation plan to just name a few things. Our house is luckily not in a flood zone so that’s at least something good:)
This is life in Florida. Hurricane season will possibly be a little scary every year but if it’s not hurricanes then it’s earthquakes or tornados or volcanos or snowstorms or this or that, there’s something everywhere you live in the world:)
100 days old today sitting next to Teddy who is 60 years old
Teddy has been by my side since I was a baby and before that he belonged to my dad. He is too fragile now for Lily to play with once she gets older but I’ll ask him to be there to watch over her
Once the storm was over, Jim and Lily read a book:
Then we went for an evening walk together. The sky was beautiful and temperatures low, it was really nice.